Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

Medicines and Much More...

02 May 2020IndigoShine
Mission Location: Kaites (Converse Prospect)
Mission Objectives: Locate Medicine Cargo Ship, retrieve medicine shipment, eliminate witnesses and deliver medicines to black market at Windt Relay in 65 Kappa Tauri.

Mercury and I were tasked with the medicine recovery mission. The system of Kaites had declared an outbreak, so swarms of cargo transports were about to enter the system with medical supplies. The controlling faction of Kaites had shunned the 65 Kappa Tauri Progressive party and we were asked to steal medical supplies and deliver them to the black market for 65KT. We outfitted the NETRUNNER Python for intercept. Three ships dropped out of hyperspace at the arrival star. Two Pythons outfitted for cargo transport with no hardpoints and a T10 outfitted for combat. That bitch would melt us in seconds. We targeted the Python hanging behind and prepped the interdictor for as soon as they hit supercruise. The T10 and one Python waked out, but the other Python wasn't moving. Apparently they were lagging behind to fuel scoop. I programmed the hatch breakers and fired them away. As soon as they hit, the python began to boost away. Mercury targeted the FSD and rendered it useless. Hatch breakers successful and the cargo came flowing out. I programmed the collectors and fired them off for that precious cargo. I was told to hurry up as system authorities were now inbound. I grabbed the last ton of cargo and immediately swung my chair around to man the turrets. We fired everything we had into the ship and BOOM it went. Several escape pods launched seconds before it exploded, but the cops would have arrived before we did anything.

We set sail for 65 Kappa Tauri with our precious cargo in store. To throw off any would-be followers, we circled the systems around 65KT before hitting the target system. We fired up supercruise and headed to Windt Relay. We landed at Windt Relay and headed down to the market. We met with some shady cat and told him that his medicines are sitting in bay 3. He payed us handsomely and we walked down to the market because we needed some robotic assembly chips and micro controllers. On the way back from the market we noticed a young girl, about 16, stealing nanobreakers from some morons arguing over drinks. This kid is good. We approached her, and typically people shy from us, but she was enticed. "You got skills, kid. Who do you work for, I said?" She replied that she'd work for us if we'd have her. The more the merrier I say. She'd have to be approved but I don't see why she wouldn't be accepted. The three of us hopped on the Netrunner and headed back to base.

End of data entry
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