Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

Cybernetics vs Robotics vs Clones vs Humans

03 May 2020IndigoShine
Data Log Entry: 03 May 3306
User: IndogShine
Sector Squad: Phalanx Squad
Squad Members: Acyd Burn (Leader), Mercury (Specialist), IndigoShine (Hacker), Calypso (Stealth/CQC)

So the rookie was finally accepted into the collective. She was given the handle "Calypso". This gave us the number we needed to be an official sector squad. Mercury, Calypso, Acyd and I were given the tag Phalanx Squad. This gave us autonomy to act independently towards the groups goals and actions. The rook had questioned us a couple times about our groups heavy use of cybernetic augmentations. We decided to take her on a field trip. A trip to Celsius Hub in the HR 6828 system.

C Hub was a huge gathering point for "enhanced" persons. It falls under no Imperial or Federal jurisdiction which meant neither robotics nor cloning were outlawed. That didn't mean that there were supporters of either way of life there. Many who have been augmented, implanted, created or cloned would gather at this station to promote or debate the other's way of life. It just so happened that we arrived at an excellent time. A debate was going on at this very moment. A group calling themselves the Purists were arguing that anything "unnatural" was a disgrace. Proponents of cybernetics/robotics would argue that these "enhancements" helped prolong life well beyond the natural span. The Purists claim that death is natural and should be welcomed. They condemned cloning as a heresy on human life. Scientists would create a replica of the host specimen so that they would either be used as slaves or simply used to harvest organs to place decaying ones in the host body. Cybernetic?Robotic supporters also condemned clone harvesting of the organs, but not cloning in general. Some Imperial citizens could create clones to raise a "pure" family.

Mercury spoke out on behalf of augmented people. "If it wasn't for cybernetic augmentation and robotic prosthetics, I would not be here. I am very much human as you Purists! Machines created by humans who can become self aware are just as much human as you! What is it really mean to "be human?" What do you purists do when you get sick? You receive medication to get better. Why not let the natural flow of life take care of you? You simply rely on drugs created in a lab by humans AND machines." A round of applause by augmented and machine can be heard throughout the hall. It was at this point that the Purist group began to filter out. I turned to Calypso and said we all have our reasons for doing what we do. My left eye is a cybernetic augment to enhance vision and hacking skills.

She's still young and learning but we see huge potential in her. She's been given an experimental reactive cloak that renders mirrors the images around her to give her the illusion of being invisible. A useful tool for a stealthy assassin. We decided to remain here for a couple more days before heading out to our next operation. There's something Mercury and I have been wanting to do for a long time.

End data entry
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