Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry


07 May 2020IndigoShine
Data Entry 07 May 3306
User: Acyd Burn

We've got a problem gang. I received a data log from El Cibernético saying that we were not 100% complete in our last mission. The shipping vessels in Kaites were destroyed and the pilots were exterminated but because of the incoming threat from the T10, we were forced to retreat without destroying the black boxes. The boxes were recovered by their other crewmen. Apparently this "cmdr LilliSWE" is now on a personal mission to find us.

Word has gotten out about that we are being investigated by private eyes. These shadowy figures are looking station to station about our transactions. Mainly high tech/cybernetic transactions. Abyss has deemed it time we strike first. This Lilli will not be able to stop us. We will burn her whole operation to the ground. All sector squads are being recalled to our main HQ to discuss our new plan of action against this growing threat.

This is a HUGE deal because NO ONE except La Sienaga has laid eyes on him. Honestly, this scares the shit out of me. If this guy is coming out of the shadows, then shits about to get real! All sector heads and their respective squads will be in attendance. I personally have only met 2 other squads in our sector, but have audio communicated with several more. Calypso is about to see the full force of our organization and the threat we pose. In two days time, war is going to be declared. Bring it on!!

End data entry
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