Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

Today We Rise from the Shadows!

09 May 2020IndigoShine
Today we will make ourselves known throughout the Galaxy!
Users: Abyss and La Sienaga

Warriors! Today we gather to discuss a threat. This child commander LilliSWE and her worthless crew think they can wage a war on us and our way of life. I'd be lying if I said I didn't admire her resolve. Quite frankly, it impresses me. This is why I demand her undivided attention before myself and La Sienaga. Her will and warrior spirit impress me enough that I want her in our ranks. Her crew however, I could care less. Terminate every last one of them! Leave none alive!

For too long, we have worked in the shadows, unbeknownst to anyone. Today we will rise from the shadows and exact war upon all those who oppose us. Cyber terrorism will bring their economies to a crippling halt. They will never see us coming. We will unleash our wrath upon them. Federal, Imperial, Alliance, or Independent systems are safe.

Those who you see fit to join our ranks will be tested to prove their worthiness. Those who resist us will cease to exist. We will strike the Empire first. These anti-robotic narcissists will suffer at the hands of their own creations. Do not get me wrong though. My ultimate objective is this single pilot. She will join us or die. RISE LOS EXTRANJEROS! Claim what is yours!

La Sienaga
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