Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

Join the Cause!

15 May 2020IndigoShine
Data Entry: 15 May 3306
User: IndigoShine
Location: Shinrarta Dezhra

We successfully executed our squad's goal of crippling Jameson Memorial in order to seize shipments of cytoscramblers and Imperial Hammers. Those backward ass fools have such outdated hardware and network interfaces that the Kid could have done this while sleeping. How could such a high traffic and high trade station have long outdated security? I left myself a backdoor virus so if I ever need to gain access to the station security again, I can easily access it remotely from anywhere. If they try anything, I can cripple them with a simple stroke of a key. The mass quantities of power-specific hardpoints we stole will be delivered to "The Mechanic" so she can install them on some of our more advanced combat vessels. The boss has something big planned, but we don't know the full details as of yet.

As far as Cmdr LilliSWE, she seems to be following the breadcrumbs we left for her that will lead her to Abyss. He has such great plans for that kid. I'm curious as to what will transpire at that meeting. If she is smart, she'd join our cause. The upgrades and augments coupled with her natural combat abilities would make her a great assest. She'd be a welcome member of this squad. We shall see.

After we deliver the modules to the Mechanic, we are being sent to Rennie Dock in HIP 2843 to await further orders. It's a damaged starport with no outfitting so I only wonder what we're in store for.

End data entry.
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