Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend?

10 Jun 2020IndigoShine
Data Entry: 10 June 3306
User: Mercury
Location: Angel Station (Calhuacan)
Objective: Eliminate Rayven, Twitch and Jenessa. Retrieve Becky

Our information led us to Angel Station in the Calhuacan system. A wise choice as it is an anarchist government. Imperial officers will not pursue into anarchy systems. Though I sometimes wonder why not seeing as they could get away with anything. We were able to scan station security systems to confirm that they were indeed here. They also had a visitor. Indigo scanned databases and found the identity of their mystery guest as a hunter known as Fortune. There is something about her though. All information known about her is only a year old. Nothing before last year is known.

They thought they gave us the slip by destroying their vessel, but Fortune's database has her ship registered and we were able to track that ship. It made a flight plan to Port Hanshan on Earth in Sol. What they're up to in Federal Space is anyone's guess but seeing as the Federation is very technically inclined towards robotics, it would seem they're maybe thinking about duplicate android. Fortune is a known android sympathizer. They may be attempting to rescue and relocate the kid. This could contradict the bounties they have on their heads. I don't care. We have a job to do, and we're going to do it!

End Data Entry
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