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Eafots Exploration Log, day 3

28 Jan 2021Daedalus Spyke
Eafots was a neat system and I have an idea that may or may not be a reasonable lead on how to find something but I'm not sure how feasible it would be to actually pull off and I think I'd rather just head deeper into the Formidine Rift at this point anyway. With that in mind, I've set course for a random star just under eight thousand light years away from my current position and up the arm of The Rift towards the next sector.

I noticed a funny thing about this whole process tonight though: I don't seem to be getting tired of the constant jumping and scanning and jumping again. On my last expedition out into the... Sanguineous Rim! That's what it was called. On that expedition I got so tired of the process that I almost gave up on the destination I'd set and turned back towards the bubble early. I think part of that was that I was still expecting to be doing important BGS work for the Legion and knew that I was pressed for time to keep or make my power rating again. Neither of those are true for this trip so maybe that's why I'm feeling a nice sense of relaxed meandering as I visit these untouched systems, staying only long enough to log the bodies and check for signal sources before moving on to the next.

On that note, I hadn't really considered this until now, but some of these planets have had life on them of some sort according to the scanners. It's technically possible that some of them may even be sentient creatures, looking up at this dark sky they live in and wondering if there's anything out there; blithely unaware that an alien life form had just driven by their home, made notes and left without saying anything more than "honk". I wonder how often this happens? Had this happened to early humans?

I hope Gladys is doing alright on her own while I'm out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about ordering my Krait out here so we could fly together again from the last fleet carrier I stayed at but... I'm not sure how that would be possible and we might also run the risk of getting blocked out of certain paths due to its smaller range compared to the Cicada's.
Anyway, 40 jumps left to my destination. Should finish those up moderately quickly tomorrow; probably only take about two hours or so.
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