Logbook entry

Killing for money.

21 Dec 2016Orkekum
Sitting in the pilots chair of my Anaconda nicknamed Darling, holding a mediapad flicking through mission board. Cargo hauling, mine this or that, data deliveries, some rich dude wants to be ferried. Bleh i think, i want some action.
Hmm. An assassination. Pirate lord "Flukeshot". Was his mother high on OnionHead? i chuckle for myself while scrolling down on the info. 1.8 million is not too bad, rank deadly. Doable.
Pressing Accept button i via radio tell my copilot and fighter pilot newly employed Claire, who is on the outside of my Anaconda cleaning my windows. "Get inside, we got a job, let's go!"

Engines warmed up, multi cannons loaded, shield-cell banks fully charged, heatsinks loaded, fighters full. Tank half full. "i'll be fine" i mutter as i request liftoff.
The platform moves forward and lifts us up. "Docking clamp released" the computer voice states, yep, we are free! The ship is maneuvered up and out the mailslot. nice and steady.
Travelling to the target system Claire asks from the seat to my left "Who's the target and what has he done to get a price on his head?"
Pirate lord, i reply, named Flukeshot. Claire glances at me not really sure if that is a real name
"dont  blame me, i did not name him!" I state in my defense.

Target system, should be around here according to my contacts spies. i ponder to myself.
Floating around the system for a good hour scanning ships and checking signal sources, co-pilot nearly falling asleep as i spot another anaconda 'Flukjeshot' the scan tells me "target acquired!" i state and Claire, the co-pilot jolts awake checking the scanners and finds the same ship.
"About to interdict a poor trader by the looks of it" She comments and prepares the fighter VR system, knowing she'll deploy as soon as we drop into the wake.

Mere few moments later i drop into the wake and deploy the fighter "4 new targets" computer states. Two sidewinders, a T6 and Anaconda, which is the target. Immediately pilot Flukeshot anaconda targeted me stating in Comms that Now i will die by the hands of a Pirate Lord! A smug grin on my face as i deploy hardpoints to greet the challenger, i do not reply. Silence is best.
Claire steered the GU-97 behind the attacker to draw attention and and annoy, as i pulled the trigger to unleash death and destruction. Seven minutes was all it took. Seven minutes until his shields went down and the anaconda was down, dead and burning.

"Go check if you can find his escape pod" Yes Commander she proclaims form the seat next to me as she proceeds to scan the wreckage pieces. Traders in the background thank me for saving them as they scurry away on their merry way.
"i found something, looks like a escape pod" Claire mentions "good, push it to the cargo hatch, i want it" i reply, watching amused as she proceeds pushing an escape pod with the GU-97.

Cargo onboard and locked i hop into hyperspace, unhabitated system nearby, nothing special. And a Tauri star, perfect.
I approach a small landable planet, 0.2g entering orbital cruise my co-pilot watching closely, knowing not to ask too much.
Placing the warship on the surface, i get up from my chair, grab a small black bag from under the pilots seat, a cloth bag, maybe half a meter long and i proceed to move to the cargo hold, Claire close behind watching what i do.
Low gravity makes walking feel funny" she says behind me. Sure, i reply. Entering cargo-hold, now filled with breathable air, i locate the escape pod.
"grab a small cryo bag Claire, and prepare it."
She hurries off, i open the top half of the pod, showing only head and upper torso, locking rest of the body in place. "what is the meaning of this!" a onion head fueled spirit roughed voice is heard "shhh" i reply, and open the cloth bag i was carrying.
A dagger, blade maybe 30 centimeter long, the wavy blade made from modern materials, the sharp metal was maybe three millimeter thick along the spine. Handle is a stylized snake head, gold in color and quite heavy, the snake head is covered in flat crystals covering the whole handle as scales, five dark blood red rubies along the back of the snake head handle and its eyes were a pair of yellow crystals that had a gentle glow.
The pirate gasped "..You..!"  Should have stayed dead last time i whisper to him, i close his visor gently and press the dagger to his neck. his space suit maybe bullet and cut proof, but the dagger being so thin and sharp cuts easily when applying some pressure, his visor muffling the attempted scream.

Claire returns with a silver box, nearly drops the cryo-box as she sees me sitting on the escape pod with the pirates head next to me "Took your good time. Now put the head into freeze and head back to the cockpit, i will follow shortly"
Watching her leave, i look at the closed escape pod. "May the Dark Void take care of you, may it accept your soul. Become one with the void." i whisper, mark the pod to be ejected onto the surface as i return to the cockpit to prepare for liftoff.

We return to the station, i ask the controller to contact contract issuer. They accept and will be waiting shortly.
Walking from the Anaconda, Claire carries the silver cryo box to the bar where the issuer is, i show her to place it on his table. "on a silver platter" I say as i open the box.  "Where is his body?" the issuer asks, inspecting the head, his companions looking disgusted. "Where your head will be if you try to swindle me". Issuer chuckles,  his companions looking a little paler now, one of them a little green.  "ofcourse, transferring funds to your account now"
"Thank you good sir, Looking forward killing more in the name of your credit, i grin some, turn and point towards the nearest bar, ordering my co-pilot Claire "To the bar! Tab is on me"
Yes sir! She informs and hurries off.

Todays good deed done. tomorrow for further adventures!
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