Logbook entry

Old Acquaintance

28 Jan 2017Orkekum
Walking from the hangar into the main room of my secret base, I can hear the ventilation system gently humming away to keep the underground complex pressurized and filled with breathable air. The lights automatically flicker to life as I near. They are not as bright as in stations due to my sensitive eyes. A gentle smile crosses my face as I make my way through the large room.

It’s a simple area, floor is a plasticky dark grey surface, walls are white but with colored lines each leading to a special wing in the complex. At even intervals there are large synthetic plants that filter the air, look at feel like the real thing but are more effective, they look like small palm trees.

My hand moves to my belt, to the handle of a straight foot long handle as my step freezes, there is someone else here in a shadowy corner, I had caught a glimpse of light reflecting off of eyes. Swiftly, I move to the opposing wall, maneuvering along in the shadows. My left hand rests on a dagger while my right reaches for the gun on my belt. Just as I am about to draw my gun, I hear a voice I haven’t heard in many years.

“I know you are there viper, no need for slithering around” came a strong female voice.

“Hello, Boa.” I reply, walking into the light. I see that she is sitting on one of my medical chairs, allowing only her left side to be illuminated. “What made you find your way here, and why have you come?”

“How? I just walked in, you know doors don't stop me. As to why, well...” she replied, sounding a little upset.

Boa turns the chair to face me properly, letting the rest of her form be shown in the light. The right side of her face is scarred and missing an eye, although her short black hair covers some of it. An explosion maybe? There’s also severe damage to her right arm, bone looks like it was splintered at some point and healed improperly.

“It’s annoying to be useless!” she complains. Boa might be currently disabled, but the strength in her voice is still there.

“Why don't you visit a plastic surgeon?” I ask with interest. “Get a new eye and patch you up good as new.”

If looks could kill I’d be dead or half dead, at least “They ask too many questions. Plus I want those upgrades you gave us last time.” She mutters, i nod in agreement.

“I don't have eyes in storage, not after I was forced to blow up the old lab.” I cross my arms and smile, “Lucky for you I had already moved most of my specimen and tools here. I am sure we can get you something. However, it will take time and resources, and I need to find a compatible eye.”

“The old boss tracked me down and had his people blow up my ship.” she said looking down in shame. “That is where i got these scars too, so... I don't have much.”

“I won't be needing your credits, my dear Boa.”I tell her, inspecting her scars from a small distance. “I’ll simply take someone else's.”

A small smile sneaks past her lips. “Thank you.” she says with a sigh. Probably afraid I would not be doing these types of things anymore.

“However, I will be needing you in the med bay. We need to scan and assess the damage. Also, I will ask you to stay in my lair. If your old boss tracked down your ship, I do not want to lead him here.”

She nods in agreement and follows me into the medical room. It is quite large with white floors and walls, with one table in the center The ceiling is covered in robotic arms and various other devices designed to help with my work. The table in the middle was modular and I could add to it whatever I needed. The patient sat down on the table as it bent into the chair, while scanners lowered from the ceiling.
Time to play doctor. As such, I decided to change into proper clothing: white coat and gloves. The patient, Boa, leans back in the chair, letting the scanning bar go around her head for x-rays and scans. Her head shows minor damage to the skull and most of the soft tissues. This is quite easy to work with, but the eye will be the hardest. Left eye thankfully survived, hacking mods will need readjustments but that is easy.
Right arm and hand will need complete reworking. Maybe cloning some tissue to regrow into a perfect copy and install new implants and get them to work completely in sync with her nervous system. Only minor and other superficial damage on the rest of her body, some laser cutting and tissue regrowth will be required.

“So Viper,” she starts as the machine is scanning and inspecting her scars. “you turned Imperial?”

“Well, after the incident I needed a job and a place to hide. A place with a decent amount of rules and minimal corruption so that people don’t ask many questions” I say while leaning back to take a small break from watching scans. “Independent powers too unpredictable, some too splintered. This power just happened to be in a good spot.”

“Why not just go independent and hide somewhere more random?” she keeps questioning.

“Being a part of the Chapterhouse and working for the Power does bring some security and freedom. People rarely question what or why I do things, like load up my ship with unmarked cargo racks and fly away without saying where” a few moments of silence pass as the multifunction scanner checks for internal damage of the patient.

“How’s Shajn Market for a place to live?” she asks. Boa lived the last 10 years in small outposts and very poor stations where it’s easier to blend in and disappear.

“It’s alright, a little too bright for me. I end up using shades a lot, which helps when shopping. Merchants aren't so scared of me when they don't see my eyes.” I finish up and save the results to a data stick that a put in my pocket. I walk out from behind the screens and help her up.“Now, just relax, I shall analyze these scans and prepare you a room where you can rest.”
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