Logbook entry

AX Outfitting

11 Apr 2023Thoran McCalen
Location: CMDR's Ship - Alliance Chieftain "Vindicator"
Destination: Shinrarta Dezhra
Mission: Outfitting the Chieftain for Anti-Xeno Operations

After receiving orders from the Alliance High Command to take on a new mission against the Thargoid threat, I set a course for Shinrarta Dezhra, known as the galaxy's exclusive outfitting hub. The Alliance Chieftain, my trusted vessel, has been serving me well in various conflicts, but it's time to upgrade her for Anti-Xeno (AX) operations.

The journey to Shinrarta Dezhra has been uneventful so far, as I navigated through known Thargoid-infested systems, making sure to keep my eyes peeled for any signs of Thargoid activity. The Alliance has been actively researching Thargoid technology, and I am eager to get my hands on the latest AX upgrades and armaments to prepare for the upcoming battles.

As I approach Shinrarta Dezhra, I can see the familiar sight of the Jameson Memorial station, the exclusive hub for pilots who have achieved Elite status in combat, trade, or exploration. I request docking clearance and smoothly navigate my Chieftain into the station, eager to begin the outfitting process.

Once docked, I quickly make my way to the outfitting bay and begin reviewing the available AX modules and armaments. I consult with the station's engineers and technicians to get the latest information on the most effective load-outs for dealing with the Thargoid threat. After carefully considering my options and analyzing my budget, I make the necessary purchases and begin the installation process.

The outfitting process is meticulous and time-consuming, but I know that the upgrades are essential for the upcoming battles against the Thargoids. I install AX-rated weapons, scanners, and defenses, making sure that my Chieftain is optimized for taking on the alien threat. I also purchase extra repair limpets and restock my ammunition to ensure that I am well-prepared for extended combat operations.

As I oversee the outfitting process, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The Thargoids have been a formidable enemy, and I am determined to do my part in defending humanity and the Alliance against their relentless attacks.

With the outfitting complete, I review the final configuration of my Chieftain, now christened "Vindicator," and it's a formidable sight. The AX weapons are primed, the defenses are reinforced, and the scanners are calibrated. I am confident that I now have the tools I need to take on the Thargoid threat head-on.

I update my mission log and report to the Alliance High Command, informing them of my successful outfitting and readiness for AX operations. With a renewed sense of purpose, I set course for the frontline, eager to join my fellow Alliance commanders in the fight against the Thargoid menace. The journey ahead may be fraught with danger, but I am ready to face it head-on with my upgraded Chieftain by my side. Commander out.

End Log.
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