Logbook entry

Admiral's Log, Stardate August 27, 3307, Standard Galactic Time 10:46

27 Aug 2021Admiral Macina

Humanity, it's something people have sought since the dawn of civilization and while "the powers that be" have claimed to stand for it, in the very same breath they would turn around and commit unspeakble atrocities all in the name of humanity. But when judgement is questioned they'll tell themselves anything to justify it to the enslaved and innocent dead.

The galaxy is cruel place, it is hard enough to make a home out there even without the demons running amok. Yes... demons... Like pirates using you for target practice, the threat of slavers abducting you, or even some black ops hired by the federation or some other unscrupulous faceless elite working behind the curtain ready to send killorders on anyone who happens to be in their way for making a living running cargo transport contracts.

Although, after KUWEMBAA and AZALADSHU I feel...
well... there might be hope after all.
I guess... time will tell.

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