Logbook entry

Starting Over

19 Jun 2023Doc Scalawag
Never fly without a rebuy. Right. Who needs a rebuy? That haul was supposed to set me up for life. 20 million creds worth of merchandise loaded up in my Type-9. Easy route, high security the whole way. And I had my Condor, just in case. To bad it wasn't enough to stop that pirate.

I was an explorer. My name was on countless worlds between the bubble and Sag A. I occasionally cashed in on an odd trade here and there, and I made a decent living at it, but I made my fortune in the black. I started trading later in my career because it required less time away from home and I have a family that I like to spend time with. I liked trading, even got a thrill out of dusting a few overeager pirates in my Condor. Sooner or later, it was bound to go south.

Rather than try to claw my way back to wealth in a Sidey, I hung up my flight suit for good. After putting my Pilot's Federation License through the proverbial shredder, I planted my feet firmly on the ground and focused on what was left of my family. I still hear the Black calling my name from time to time, but I was content watching my children grow while I made a living as a nurse in a local hospital. Life was pretty good, until the Thargoids showed up.

This isn't my tragic backstory; my children are grown now, chasing the stars and putting their names on their own worlds. I haven't lost anyone to the 'Goids. We've remained safe from the onslaught, the nearest 'Goid attack several hundred lightyears away. Nevertheless, I hear the void calling. I have the skills. Even if my flight skills aren't what they once were, my medical training might be useful. I felt like I had to help.

I read GalNet for the first time in nearly two years when the Thargoid War started, and have read every release since. The war became my obsession. As I sat alone in an empty apartment, far removed from the conflict, hearing report after report of stations burned by 'goids, I knew that my retirement couldn't last much longer. I applied for a new license.

In order to pay for the testing, as well as a new ship (my pride wouldn't let me fly a Sidewinder again), I enlisted as a mercenary in a local Faction War. Half a million creds for a single skirmish! And what's more? I was good at it! I was instantly addicted. After completing my test and getting a new license, I immediately bought an Adder and named it, somewhat cleverly, I thought, "Second Heartbeat". Now, I travel from system to system, offering my gun for creds. Once I have enough to buy and outfit an AX ship, I may go join the war that brought me out of retirement; but for now, I am rather enjoying my new life as a gun for hire.
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