Logbook entry

Field Research - Observations Aug9, 3302 (Sentinel Logistic Services)

09 Aug 2016Ardos Hammur
<transmission decrypted, dispatching delivery receipt>

My name is Commander Ardos of deep space reconnaissance vessel Sword of Damocles. My crew and I are employed by Sentinel Logistic Services through their Deep Space Recon fleet, and I am a member of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group. What follows is a series of evaluations and theories surrounding the "Unknowns Mystery". Some of this information is speculation but I hope that someone can review our findings and pass along the pertinent information to the correct parties.

My crew and I have worked back to square one with available information and will attempt to establish a clear understanding of all data we have.

Regarding Unknown Artefacts

  • The first official sighting of a Unknown Artefact was on-board a private ship docking at Leonard Nemoy Station in LHS 3006
  • Unknown artefacts were found in a Federal convoy in Timocani
  • The question was asked: "Have you listened to them?"
  • Audio analysis revealed complex Morse code that first broadcast the name of the nearest celestial body, then broadcast a crude drawing of the ship within 1000m of it
  • It has been reported that there is a higher number of free-floating UAs in the Aries Dark Region GW-W d1-52 than anywhere else so far.
  • There is a unique bubble of UA around Merope spanning 135-150ly. To date, no other bubble has been discovered
  • The UA points at Merope

The crew of the Damocles has decided to investigate the bolded areas above.

  • LHS 3006 - Cmdr reported bringing a UA to Leonard Nemoy Station, where nearby are UAs known to be? Crew has also begun looking into reports of tech issues/plague at that station.
  • Timocani - Federal Convoy in this region; is the bubble nearby and what makes that location special?
  • Aries Dark Region GW-W d1-52 - Investigate celestial bodies for clues.

Regarding Large Barnacles

First located in Merope, these organics have been discovered in 2 other nebulae since.

  • Organic structure resembling barnacles of Earth
  • Spike-like structures jut up from around it, contain materials that can be synthesized
  • Often a pair of pods that drop meta alloys upon destruction
  • Sounds emanating from the site are nearly identical to those heard from UA
  • Seem to prefer loose earth or discolored ground different than that of the planet
  • Goldilocks zone appears to be Low-G planets (.10 or less) with ambient temperatures of -79 to 105 C
  • There is an unknown symbol on the top of the structure

Using clues from current barnacle finds, we have deduced that the type of nebula does not seem to matter at this juncture. Currently there are two reflection and one emission nebula. Until more are found, we cannot rule any out. As far as we can tell, the barnacles must prefer the materials present in nebulae that cannot be found elsewhere. These places are often stellar forges, perhaps they require the ionized gases and elements present to thrive and create Meta-Alloys.

Regarding Metal Alloys

Meta alloys, should they not be found to be harmful, could quite possibly be the future of space exploration and humanities expansion throughout the cosmos. From numerous publications, these materials are:

Meta-alloys have a complex lattice structure with large internal voids. They are cellular in nature, and formed organically. They are incredibly strong - much stronger than foamed aluminium for example. Many elements form the structure so technically they are alloys, but the composition is different in different parts of the cell walls for strength. They are good thermal insulators, and have a high melting point, but if they are melted they lose all their special properties and become a conventional alloy. They are easily machined, but as yet cannot be manufactured, only found in space. They are associated with recently discovered alien entities nicknamed 'Large Barnacles' by interstellar explorers. These appear to be common in certain parts of space, although no-one is certain why. This material has been heralded as the next step in materials technology. It is ultra-light and stronger and more versatile than most commercially available alloys.

Shortly after discovery it was reported that auto-sentries and skimmers had been placed on site with some barnacles. Recently it was found that the Federation has parked cruisers near some sites and even opened fire on the Canonn who arrived only for scientific research. While the Federation has stated that these sites must be preserved for science and study, it is my belief that the Federation is only interested in developing armaments and fearsome new arsenals for them to wage their wars with. Furthermore, I believe that the Imperials have joined this race and we have not seen the end of tensions between the two superpowers. I urge all explorers not to sell these items to either power and, until we have a better grasp on the mysteries at hand, refrain from harvesting the alloys at all.

It is also worth noting the potential that whatever other species lurks in the blackness might be using these for the same ends, construction ships and cities out of the alloys. If this is the case, these ships will be fast, lightweight and agile. Should they be foe, they will be highly resistant to thermal attach and possibly not register on our scanners due to their highly reflective surfaces. Perhaps this is the fear that the Federation driving their desire to guard and/or harvest the alloys for themselves.

Regarding Unknown Probes

  • Only found recently, it appears the Federation is ahead of everyone as they are the only one carrying these around or aware of where these originate from.
  • Found in Federal Convoys in Ross 47 and G 99-49, exceedingly rare.
  • Official sources confirm that the Federation is finding them free-floating but cannot confirm where.
  • Cmdr Rizal with the Canonn recently scanned one with an ADS and it reacted by shutting down his ship briefly. The Canonn quickly found that there was a visual message embedded in the resulting sounds picked up by his instruments. This image is the center of intense debate.
  • The UPs point to Merope 5c but it is unclear why.

The crew and I agree that in order to locate free-floating UPs we will need to follow the Federal ships in hopes we see one of their test sites.

  • Follow Federal ships without taking UP from them.
  • Investigate Ross 47 and G 99-49 for any other anomalies.
  • Scan for hidden research bases.

Further Speculation

The crew and I have spoken numerous times about the next pieces of information and have elected to include it so that our work is transparent. There have been a high number of coincidences where places/ships/locations have appeared to match up to ancient Greek Mythology of Earth. I've listed these below for review. It's not to say that some other species is aware of our history but it does offer an interesting look into the mysteries and potential clues that may lie in strange places.

  • Pleiades are known as the Seven Sisters.
  • Merope is the faintest of the seven sisters for marrying a mortal, Sisyphus.
  • Recently the Federal Battlecruiser Thanatos, who imprisoned Sisyphus, was spotted in Merope.
  • Barnacles were found in the California nebula, a part of the constellation Perseus.
  • This was hinted by the discovery of a ship called "Cetus Bane". Cetus is the sea monster slain by Perseus.
  • The Witch Head Nebula is a part of the constellation Eridanus where Helios's son was killed by Zeus. Helios was the father of Merope.

There are numerous similarities between current events and these myths of old gods and creatures of the sea. While we are careful to not be superstitious or read too far into it, these cannot be ignored. Below we have compiled a list of potential leads should this turn out to be worth investigating.

  • Investigate more of Helios's children
  • Aetheria
  • Helia
  • Merope
  • Phoebe
  • Dioxippe
  • Investigate Merope's children
  • Glaukos -Glaucus, a system in the bubble under Fed Military control. Fathered Bellerophon - a hero
  • Ornytion
  • Almus
  • Thersander
  • Sinon
  • Orion, pursuer of the Seven Sisters
  • Perseus - He ruled a kingdom with a name too close to Mycoid- how we killed the bugs.
  • Eridanus

Closing Remarks

The crew of the Damocles has shared this information with Sentinel Logistic Services Operations Command and has elected to share with pilots everywhere. The Damocles will complete and file a flight plan with Magnus Gateway and S.L.S. Op Com this week and depart for an expedition to the noted locations above. Those who wish to aid in the search are asked to contact me directly on any available service. Commanders who wish to join the search are asked to make contact with my crew and I by the 10th of August 3302. All explorers wishing to depart with us are welcome to join us at Magnus Gateway, EZ Aquarii.

The truth is out there, let's find it together.

Fly Safe,

Cmdr Ardos

Sentinel Logistic Services, Deep Space Recon Fleet

<End Transmission>

Official Transmission available here.
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