Logbook entry

Crew Log, 5/1/3303 - Subterfuge

01 May 2017Ardos Hammur
Begin Entry
1/25/3303 - 14:40
The Investigator - Bridge Terminal 1
Usr: Cmdr Ardos

The galaxy has definitely lost its collective mind. The past few days still replay in my mind as much as I try to press on; the prospect of truth come and gone, the demise of the Children of Raxxla's prophet, the logs in Teorge finally shedding light on the mysteries of the Rift. Somewhere in there I think there was also a holofac about some attack in Maia by one of those strange ships. It feels like there is conflict and trouble on all fronts presently, something I haven't been aware of in this manner since my days in the Federal Navy. Those days of my youth were full of impending doom from some hidden enemy, it seems they are creeping up to find me once again.

I've tried not to lend much attention to the gloom that fill those logs from Teorge. I'm old enough to know that there is truth to the old woman's words; powerful men have always sought absolute power in the name of peace and security. Countless men and women have perished since the dawn of humanity so that shadowy agendas can be fulfilled and the people behind the curtain stay hidden. The machine keeps rolling, one death won't stop it. This beloved martyr was much like the old tales of Icarus. She knew what she was doing and it was only a matter of time before her number came up. The fact that the galaxy seems so divided on the matter perplexes me. Still, this time things appear to be different.

Yes, I've read the logs. Sure, I have concerns over what comes next should they be true. This hardly seems like the time to cut and run to some remote part of the galaxy though. There are questions that still need to be answered, so that's what the crew and I will be doing for the short term. We've taken an extended leave of absence from Sentinel, much to their dismay, and will be running solo on this one. Myra has suggested numerous times we keep them updated but I have reservations about involving any organization the work we are about to take on. I've been reviewing a lot of information on the datanet, speaking with various explorers and merchants from all over and I think I may have a lead to go off of. There are lots of interesting bits of information implicating a Sirius Corp partner called Wreaken Construction, GalNet did a short piece a while ago on mining and construction fleets headed to the locked COL 70 Sector, more recently there was a suspicious death reported, but never investigated, out there. The more I've dug in the more I see that Sirius and Wreaken may know something and have convinced the Pilots Federation to create a nav-blackout of COL 70 for strategic means.

I've flown the Investigator out to Wille then Ega to do some looking with my own eyes, two systems that Wreaken currently occupies. It appears that the recent expansion into Wille is being disrupted by a nameless
bunch trying to cripple Wreaken and force them into revealing what they are doing. If I'm correct, Scarlet Ashcroft is the driving force behind the effort. I admire the approach but something tells me this is the wrong way to go about this. If the old woman in the Teorge logs is right and there is a bigger fish out here, I'm willing to bet that Sirius and Wreaken receive a good amount of their funding and direction from them. Instead I think it will be best to follow the trail and engage in some subterfuge. I've already instructed Myra, Ray, and the others to move the Damocles, Tyrfing, and Grasshopper to Ega for the time being. Once together we will begin taking contracts for Wreaken in hopes that, once allied, we get some tips as to what might be happening in COL 70. Sirius comes next, I hear that is the harder task but hopefully a good reputation with Wreaken gets us on the fast track. The crew and I also agreed to some rules, Everston had some reservations about helping mega corps with so much blood on their hands. No human trafficing, we steer clear of bloodshed jobs, and we set aside money earned (that doesn't go to fuel, rearming, or repairs) to a fund for food and aid to local systems that might be affected by our work. I admire the kids spirit, he's got the right idea. I hope the void doesn't take that from him in the years to come.

One last curious piece of information stuck out to me in my searching, something I've yet to discuss with the crew. Nav computer returned a hit for Wreaken on the Hodack system. Small penal colony from the looks of it except it's permit locked and operated by, well you guessed it. Something to add to the to-do list. I see there are few groups operating in Hodack with bases outside the system. May need to get on their goodside too just to take a peek at the types of prisoners they are housing there. I doubt this quest for the ultimate truth is over. Many more are destined to feed the machine before this ends, I figure I should do my best to figure some of this out for myself before my number comes up too.

Ardos out.

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