Logbook entry

Jotunheim: Subversion

18 Sep 2015Shadowmatty
“The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea.” - Mao Zedong

The Harpy was dark and motionless, ten clicks from Big Harry's. I slowly and carefully pressed the switches to withdraw power from all non-essential modules. Syncopated lights flickered to black on the HUD until the only sound the Harpy emitted was the undulating hum of emergency thrusters and the soft sigh of oxygen being circulated around the cockpit. The docking pass - given to me by the Caspatsuria Empire Assembly - had worked, but I could not afford to be scanned, the sensitive nature of my cargo could arouse suspicion; secrecy was paramount. I lined up my ship and superstitiously held my breath, a few dexterous thrusts and inertia would do the rest...

The little black box in my hands didn't look like much, but it was vital to our campaign and of special interest to our Caspatsurian contact; if it fell into the wrong hands our plans would never come to fruition. I delicately sequestered it in the hidden compartment of my bag. I brushed my hair away from my face, damn it was getting shaggy, I really hadn't been conscious of my appearance since joining the 6th; it was certainly not the old Navy standard. Maybe here - among rebels and pirates - it would help me to blend in. Next, I took my knife, the black leather-bound handle was comfortable and familiar; It had been my father's and was given to me when I graduated; the blade was black titanium, notched and well blooded, it seemed to devour any glint of light. I slid the knife into my boot, tousled my hair one more time and headed for the docking tube...

Stepping out from the grav-rail carriage, I was met with a cacophony of voices, of busy markets and conveyances. A blur of colours was flashing across the holo-boards, the people were scurrying about like rats, or perhaps monkeys; everywhere I looked there was motion and chaos. I moved amidst the crowd, scanning faces and determinedly seeking one I recognised. Echo wing were to rendezvous in this sector, pool the data from our various CEA missions and meet with our contact at 'The Full Reverse'. Just as I began to fear that some ill fate had become my brothers, a hand reached out and surreptitiously dragged me into a doorway. I reached for my knife, then loosened my grip when the features of my accoster became clear...It was Mal.    
“You made it” he said, with a smile, seemingly confidant and nervous at the same time.
“Where are the others?” I queried.
“We'll have to find them. Sedge should be fine, he came here on official business for the Universal Cartographic Society...but I'm not sure about Drago” said Mal.
“OK let's start at the UCS building and work from there” I said.
We moved on through the busy walkways, pushing past pedlars and vagrants, avoiding anyone in a Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance uniform and making small-talk to calm our nerves. Suddenly sirens blared  for a moment and then the holo-boards broadcast a loud audio announcement.
“Enemy ships are attacking the RJR authorities near the Nav-beacon, citizens are advised to remain calm, combat pilots please report to the bonds office to sign up.”
Mal and I exchanged a glance, we knew it had to be Alpha wing. Sigsy was enacting a bold strategy to directly weaken the RJR fleet with brute force, he took Driftwood, Forplay and Hardboot to cause mayhem in the system and it served as the perfect distraction; drawing attention away from the stations. The bustle of the Monkey Hangout did not disperse and so, we continued our business.

Sure enough we spotted Sedge near the UCS, Mal waved and Sedge approached.
“Hey, have you seen Drago?” I asked.
Sedge shook his head “No, but we shouldn't wait any longer.” he said
“Let's head to the meet-up and see if he's there.” piped Mal
Alas, he was not. I feared the worst, but Mal and Sedge were optimistic that he had been waylaid.
The meeting was a short and sharp affair, a swift exchange of bags and handshakes and a garnered favour from the Caspatsurian: he would try to track down Drago while we performed any missions he sent us. We split up and headed back to our ships to await orders.

Days passed, reports of Alpha wing's activities were listed as crimes on Galnet and large bounties had been placed on their heads. Echo wing worked in the shadows, quietly subverting resources and personnel; slowly building support for the Empire from within. Yet still there was no word of Drago's whereabouts. Weeks passed, the CEA were on the verge of a hostile takeover, they now had a greater following than the local Autocracy and the RJR had very little military or political power remaining. There was one important task to perform before the system became a war-zone, one last meet with our contact and an expedient exit from 'Big Harry's'. Bravo wing were poised to unleash a bombardment upon the station in one hour: a final provocation and decimation of the Resistance.
We gathered at 'The Full Reverse', Sedge wore his pilot suit, a black bandanna and a backpack, Mal was also in his pilot suit but he wore a khaki overcoat and a thick leather belt. I too was ready to fly at a moments notice, I tied back my hair and pulled on my gloves. Just then the Caspatsurian burst through the doors, he looked panicked and pale; short of breath, he stumbled over to our booth.
“It's...It's your friend...Drago, they have him...the pirates have him, they want to discuss terms...”
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︎3 Shiny!
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