Logbook entry


19 Jul 2015Shadowmatty
It seems such a long time ago now, those lazy days in my home system of Zeta Fornacis. There was little profit to be found hauling food and medicines from nearby systems and little danger to cause fear or excitement. An earnest merchant might find satisfaction with such a life but something of the warrior spirit urged me to press for some engagement, to be hunted by pirates, to turn hunter and furthermore, to fight in the name of the Emperor.

Forestalled by my lack of means, I was forced to persevere with my humble trade route to Kaliki. The high-tech outfitting and shipyards were an opportunity that did not escape my notice. I had want of a new ship and I fancied myself an Asp. A month had passed before I had the necessary credits, but I was proud of how quickly I had moved from Eagle to Hauler to Cobra and with some delight I purchased the Asp named Basilisk.

She carried me further from home than ever before and soon I had explored the neighbouring civilised systems. With her larger cargo hold, pirates came for me now and what joy, to surprise them with her six guns and take bounties in addition to my trade.

Commander Silverhertz - an old friend from Zeta Fornacis - sent me an urgent communication from HIP 13112 soon after. Pirates were plundering the local miners, the defence forces were spread too thin and the long super-cruise to the resource site made outsiders less willing to assist. I refitted the Basilisk for combat, boosting her shields, armour and weapons and set off on my long journey from Vaka.

Through heat and light, speed and patience, together we pushed back the marauders and saved a great deal of the miners toil. It was around this time I first heard the name Arissa Lavigny-Duval, she had taken control of HIP 13112 and with her brought a glut of bounty hunters to discourage future attacks on the industries.

I began to search for a greater challenge, I had risen in the eyes of the Empire and become a Knight. It was then - the chance for some greater glory - I was given the mission to hunt down the corrupt General Bolok, but that my friends, is a story for another time...
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