Logbook entry

A Very Uncivil War

19 Jul 2015Shadowmatty
It's been two days since the civil war in Cemiess concluded. The 6th Interstellar Corps fought to protect our trade partners 'Cemiess Commodities', but we were forced to bloody the nose of the 'Cemiess Empire Party'. Surely this in-fighting cannot be of benefit to the Empire as a whole. The entire affair has left a bitter taste in my mouth and I cannot help but dwell on the thoughts of the families of those brave pilots - regardless of allegiance – who were destroyed in the fray.

The war reached the peak of it's intensity close to 'Mackenzie Relay', so close to what I now call home. With heart and mind perturbed, I knew the endeavour would require a great deal of grit. My trusty Asp - The Basilisk - was tested to the limit of her capabilities and I was thankful of the support from my fellow commanders: Sigsy, Speight, Kordhel and Ducky. Some of the new recruits came to lend their assistance and in facing that trial by fire, have garnered much respect from the wing.

Although we were able to preserve the immediate assets of 'Cemiess Commodities', it is difficult indeed to call them the victors in such circumstances as these, for it was a third, quiet and patient faction - the 'Cemiess Imperial Society' - who had been building their influence in the background of the conflict. They are poised to take control of the system and as loyal to the Empire as they might be, it does not bode well for our aforementioned trade associates.

The Basilisk had held her own and I was even more proud of her now, she became more than a possession, there was some sentimental attachment forming from the plethora of challenges we faced together. It was extremely hard therefore, to admit the extent of her wounds upon my return to 'Shoemaker City', too many modules burnt beyond recognition and her hull pocked and scorched like some fleeting comet. I could not bear to sell her, so I decided to strip out the parts and retain her empty shell, with dreams of one day refitting and flying her once more.

For now, I have purchased a Type-7 and intend to make use of our trade route to 'LTT 9810' while the profit is good. This lumbering ship earns no affection from me, it is but a necessary means to an end and I am at a loss even to name it.

As I am denied my path to combat once more, it is with such a heavy heart. For as I look out at the stars, I am certain I sense conflict rising and my concern for the Empire's hold on the nearby systems troubles my soul. There is but one thing to do, I must rebuild The Basilisk...
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