Logbook entry

Forged By The Fires Of War

23 Jul 2015Shadowmatty
Victory belongs to the 6th Interstellar Corps; we have fought hard and fast for a week against the uprising of the ‘Jet Cartel’ in ‘LTT 9810’. By our persistence and virtue they have been quelled and reduced to begging on the bulletin boards for small comforts. Our efforts will have them licking their wounds for some time, the 6IC hereby declare that ‘LTT 9810’ shall ever be under Imperial rule, for the loyalty and protection of our finest pilots shall not waver.

The necessity of war has been perfect in its unification of the 6IC, the new recruits were afforded an opportunity to prove themselves in combat and many of the established pilots have learned to fly together as one, each pilot becoming conscious of the other’s manoeuvres…During one of the many skirmishes near ‘Whitford Vison’ I fought alongside commanders: Sigsy, Jason and Hudson; the battle was fierce and as we were drawing upon our target - the power-plant of a heavily-gunned Anaconda - I could see my wingmen all around me and feel the buzz of our shields overlapping. We let loose every energy and ammunition, and watched as the gunship sparked, spun and languished under our assault. As the great ship burst open, we cheered and we reflected on the benefits of the grand improvement in our teamwork.

My venerable Viper - The Archangel – proved herself in the conflict, she swooped and turned like her namesake, bringing swift punishment upon our foes. I took her to the front of the wing, calling out valuable targets to my fellow commanders and when her guns were in range I took her behind and below. She existed beyond the view of enemy pilots, the wake of their engines washing over her canopy and she rained down a fusillade of cannon-fire into their critical modules...The extremity of the difference felt, moving between Viper and Type-7, I found, that the more I learned to love the Archangel, the more I gave credence to loathing the Loggerhead.

The situation in 'Cemiess' seemed to balance itself out, before long the Imperial factions were equal in their influence, and a moments calm fell upon the systems we call home. Turning my attention to building the strength of the wing, I began to fly through nearby systems looking for new recruits. The Archangel, sensors on full sweep and comms set to broadcast my greetings. I met two pilots who returned my hailing: commander Ger Panagon and commander Jared, they listened as I explained the ethos of the 6IC and before long - the persuasion cut short - they came to dock at 'Shoemaker City' to make their applications.

Now I ponder what trials and tribulations await the 6IC, what adversity will test our mettle? Should we now learn the talents of the newcomers or look for others to boost our numbers? The decision has been deferred to a vote; my vote has been cast. We wait, until 'Shoemaker City' lies in the middle of the planet's shadow...
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