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The Tale of General Bolok

01 Aug 2015Shadowmatty
Did I ever tell you the story of General Bolok? No? Well come closer my friend, let me buy you a drink, and maybe you'll humour me while I spin a yarn and lay bare the troublesome tale...

Martigan Bolok was a good man, a distinguished pilot and a loyal proponent of the Empire. At twenty-five he had attained an excellent combat rating and a swath of medals to rival that of seasoned veterans. He fought pirates and interlopers in 'HIP 13112' since before I was born; he was regaled as a champion of the people and a true dedicate to the naval cause. His low-born beginnings, maintained in him, a self-effacing manner and dutiful repose. All of these things inspired great admiration and a small statue was erected - near the naval shipyard - in his honour.

It was then, more disturbing - more sorrowful to see, that as General Bolok gained fame, fortune and rank, he grew ever distant from that innocent character. Firstly he fell to the most base of human vices: drinking, gambling and salacious engagements, later he developed a taste for the decadent and turned to embezzlement to fund his debauched aspirations. Bolok's popularity soured into infamy and the citizens of  'Lubbock Vision' began to plead with the authorities to have him removed from office and ferried away to some remote colony. Although the proposal gained approbation in principal, the Navy could do nothing to enact such a decree, lords, being always difficult to dispose of and not easily discouraged from the benefits of their position. So the hero-turned-tyrant remained a thorn in the Navy's side for many unhappy years.


During my campaign in 'HIP 13112' - defending the miners with Silverhertz - the Navy assigned me a covert mission to hunt down and permanently rid them of the one and only - now sixty-four year old - Martigan Bolok. I was honoured and strangely excited, Bolok would have a good vessel no doubt, and it was highly likely he would have military escort too. I was flying the Basilisk - Asp, and in that early part of my career, she was not fitted to her best.

When I found my target, I scanned his ship and found he was in a Python with two Adders in his wing. I locked on and fired the interdiction unit, the blue shimmering energy wrapped our ships together until, at last, I tore his ship from super-cruise. I had the advantage and could not afford to waste any time; here in deep space I would make my attack, far from the view of the authorities.

I deployed the Basilisk's weapons and boosted towards the first of the escorts, this one fell quickly to the surprise: the power-plant crackled before the ship was unmade in a burst of fire. The second  brought guns to bear and weaved between the stream of lasers and cannon-fire: rolling, banking and  thrusting, but to no avail, I caught the weak-spot with a full barrage and barely had time to dodge the ensuing explosion.

Bolok had manoeuvred to my flank and sent of wave of oscillating light that stripped half of my shields. I rolled right and thrust left, bringing the top of his Python into view. I was desperate to stay by his engines as I fought back, but Bolok turned sharply and skilfully; his turrets were unrelenting and my shields withered. Martigan's gruff voice shouted his annoyance over the comms.
“Prepare to die!”
“Shields depleted” was the soft reply of my computer.
I was in serious danger now as another blast from the Python hit my hull, I pulled back the throttle and came nose to nose with my target. I fired everything I had as I backed away, a lucky shot to his canopy disoriented him and he flipped revealing the belly. This was the opportunity I needed, pushing forward once more, I laid waste to his drives.

Just then - as Bolok was caught, drifting at my mercy - a large number of security ships jumped into the area. The success of the mission was now debatable, if the security forces saw me firing upon a Naval General, I was sure to get a bounty on my head. I had no choice, I had come this far, so I sent  Bolok corkscrewing into oblivion. As the Python broke apart, the local forces deployed their hard-points and moved in to surround me.

I sat motionless, quietly charging my jump-drive, and when they came into range, I boosted away. The drive came online and I watched the countdown with consternation.
5...hull 60%...4...hull 44%...3...hull 28%...2...1...Engaged!
With a shaking gasp of breath, I realised I had escaped, but now I was a wanted man and I knew I must flee 'HIP 13112'. Commander Silverhertz was not privy to my clandestine contract and I could not risk sending him a message to tell him where I was heading.

My naval career was certainly on hold for now. I had heard of a group of ex-navy privateers called the 6th Interstellar Corps so I sent a long-range comm to their Wing Commander - Sigsy - asking for asylum in return for work. It was a long journey to 'Cemiess' but when Sigsy agreed to take me in I plotted a course and set off to sequester myself at 'Shoemaker City'. A new life was imminent...
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