Logbook entry


08 Aug 2015Shadowmatty
The trophy case came crashing to the floor, small shards of glass scattered and glinted with myriad colours, each piece held a tiny reflection of the 'Galnet' monitor. Everywhere I looked I could not escape those terrible words - though fragmented - Emperor...dead...assassinated. My apoplexy had arisen quickly, but alone in my quarters aboard the Mephistopheles, I had nowhere to vent my feelings, so I had thrust my hands out and shoved the nearest object. Thus, my tarnished accomplishments came to be strewn across the cabin, mingled with the debris, all of which was disordered and remorseful.

I was pained by every medal, acquired in his name, now only serving to refresh my sombre thoughts and assist in dwelling on his legacy. How expediently the news had shifted from the joy and revelry of the wedding, to death, uncertainty and mistrust. How could Senator Patreus allow this to happen? At worst it brings his loyalty into question, and at best it reveals a glaring deficiency in his ability to judge his own followers. There are those of us who still remember how - during the Emperor's illness - he called for throne to pass to the most popular instead of the traditional bloodline; a stance so effortlessly and suspiciously retracted upon the Emperor's recovery.

My rage subsided and a hollow melancholy filled my heart, I will always follow the Empire, but the very man who had inspired me to so, was now lost forever. I owed something more to him than fixating on personal frustrations, something that would accentuate my fidelity and dedication. The Emperor will be laid to rest at the 'Hall of Martyrs' on 'Capitol', I felt duty-bound and spiritually compelled to go and pay my respects. I left my trade ship and boarded the Harpy, she was fuelled and ready for the trip. As I lifted off, I felt deep regret that my first time in 'Achenar' should be under such mournful circumstances, the renowned beauty of the water-worlds would now be shrouded by the solicitude of my purpose.

When I jumped into 'Achenar' I was heartened by the many pilgrims flooding the throne-system, I throttled down and took a moment to locate 'Dawes Hub' as wave after wave of ships came rushing by the nav-beacon. Never had I seen so many vessels gathered in such a perfect procession. The soft blue of the planets drew ever closer, the white-swirls of megalithic clouds dotting their atmospheres, they seemed serene, yet sober and cool in the distance. Closer still, I could see the busy lines of shuttles taking pilgrims down to the 'Hall of Martyrs'. They were like insects, steadily crawling to some pertinent activity or drops of rain descending on a broad ocean.

I docked at 'Dawes Hub' and awaited my transport down to the planet. Slumped in a chair at the shuttle station, I watched the people bustling around. There were families, naval officers and dignitaries from all around the Imperial colonies, they bore an expression I felt inwardly, but I did not have the fortitude to offer any real sympathy. I looked down at my tablet and scanned for any further developments on 'Galnet', finding only brief confirmations of the continuing investigation.

Finally I boarded and was strapped into the passenger compartment, the engine's throb conjured images of giant oceanic waves, the rhythmic pulsing was comforting and slowly I was lulled to sleep, to dream of a time when the Emperor guided us and all was for his glory...
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