Logbook entry


13 Jul 2022Wags Star Hunter
By Cmdr Wags Star Hunter

The purpose of the guide is to get you started on becoming an exobiologist. This is not meant for new players to Elite Dangerous and will make some assumptions like you already know where to find the codex, you know what planets to land on, and you have a basic knowledge of Exploration.

What you will need in your ship and person

    1. Ship: Small or Medium, Detailed Surface Scanner and an SRV
    1. Person: Artemis Suit

How to find biology

    1. Identifying where Biology is. There are two ways you can find which planet have biology.
      • While in FSS your planet scan will indicate the number of different plant life you will find in the upper right box on the screen Figure 1
      • In the system map the Planetary Information tab will tell you the same thing. Figure 2
        It should go without saying, you can ignore any planet that is non landable. In most cases planets without an atmostsphere do not support plant life. There are some exceptions; Brain Trees, Bark Mounds and Amphora Plants could be on those planets.
    1. Once you know which planets have biology you will need to scan the planet with your detailed planet scanner. What you will see is the planet “heat map” which looks like random highlighted areas in light blue and cyan splotches. This is the signal filter indicating where you are most likely to find the distinct species of plant life. You can switch through each kind. (Geology will also show if it is present on the planet) Figure 3
    1. I typically try to find spots that have the most overlap and land there. Figure 4
      The areas that have the most uniform Cyan colour tend to have higher concentrations of plant life. Sometimes there are Plant types that are found in very few areas of the planet. Figure 5
    1. You can use third party apps (such as Route Planners) to speed up the search.

Once on Planet

    1. Unfortunately, there is not an SRV wave scanner for biology like what you use to find materials.
    1. To locate I turn on my external ship camera while using either the ship or the SRV. Using the camera with the SRV can be a bit jarring as the camera “follows” the movement of the vehicle over every bump and rock. Another point of possible frustration is the invisible rocks that only seem to spawn just before you hit them. With the ship the camera is way smoother and you don't need to worry about the rocks. The downsides are if you fly too fast you might pass right by the plant before you have time to stop. Your altitude is a best guess and you might fly into the ground or to high to see the plants. Finally you will need to land each time you spot a plant to scan. Figure 6
    1. A third option is to use third person view while walking. Pulsing the Genetic Sampler (more about this below) will show near by Biology. The range is very short however. You also can not do this for long as you have no way of monitoring your battery or O2 levels. Figure 6a
    1. Now that you are standing beside the flora you use the Genetic Sampler you get with the artemis suit. The sampler has two scan modes. The primary mode scans the plant Figure 7
      and the alternate mode sends a pulse to check the genetic diversity of the planet around you. Green is ok to scan, Figure 8
      blue is not Figure 9
      Purple means you still need to scan the plant but are currently not finished scanning a different species. Figure 9.5
    1. You will need three different scans of the same species to complete your sample. Figure 10
      Each sample must be genetically different enough from the pervious one(s). Figure 11
    1. The codex index for each planet will tell you how far you will need to travel to gain the diversity needed. Figure 12
      Appendix 1 has a table with each species and the distance require for genetic diversity.
    1. If you are not sure how far you are you can look at the compass in your helmet HUD as it will mark the direction and distance from your last scan(s). Figure 13
    1. DON’T forget to also scan the plant with you comp scanner, you might get the discovery reward. Figure 14
    1. Once you are finished you can head into the nearest station to turn in your find for rank and credits. Appendix 1 shows the value of each species.

The Key things to remember

    1. Do a detailed surface scan of the planet first.
    1. Try to land where you will find the most plant life by looking for overlaps in plant hotspots.
    1. Some plants live in areas that make landing difficult for larger ships.
    1. You can only scan one plant at a time, and you will need three scans for each.
    1. A good YouTube video can be found here: Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Beginner's Exobiology Guide | Friendship Drive Guides - YouTube.

Things I have noticed

    1. Bacterium is the most common floras you will find; it is on almost every planet that has life. It mostly grows on the flatter areas of the planet, but not all the time. Out of the 70 plus planets I have visited so far, I found only one species of Bacterium that grew on rough terrain. There are times when the bacterium is the same colour as the planet surface. You may have to drive your SRV from the turret using the comp scanner to find it.
    1. Some plants may seem to be abundant on the planet, but in reality, are very sparse. Osseus is a good example, these tend to have small clusters of 1 - 5 plants for every 5 Square Km.
    1. Sometimes you will have to launch back into orbit, re engage your detailed planet scan and reposition yourself to a different location.
    1. When using your SRV, park on the left of what ever biology you are about to scan. As you disembark the SRV from the right it saves you from walking around.
Last important advice
    1. Have FUN.
    1. Take breaks / remember to breathe. The galaxy won't vanish overnight.
    1. If you make a mistake and end up dying, causing you to loose a lot of data, remember it is only a game.

Appendix 1.
This updated table is taken from the Elite Dangerous Fandom Site


Genus Species Value (CR) GD Range Traits
Spica 4,286,000 150
Laminiae 4,286,000 150
Gravis 16,777,215 150
Coronamus 10,432,700 150
Arcus 11,670,300 150
Amphora Plant
N/A 3,626,400 100
Rubeum-Bioluminescent 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Roseum Bioluminescent 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Roseum 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Puniceum 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Prasinum Bioluminescent 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Luteolum 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Croceum 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Blatteum Bioluminescent 3,399,800 100 B or O-Class Stars
Volu 12,323,000 500 Oxygen
Vesicula 1,725,400 500 Argon
Verrata 7,177,500 500 Water, Volcanism
Tela 4,173,100 500 Helium, Volcanism
Scopulum 8,633,800 500 CO2, Volcanism
Omentum 8,226,200 500 Nitrogen, Volcanism
Nebulus 9,116,600 500 Helium
Informem 13,114,000 500 Nitrogen
Cerbrus 3,732,200 500 Water, Sulfur Dioxide
Bullaris 2,766,300 500 Methane
Aurasus 2,414,700 500 CO2
Alcyoneum 3,678,100 500 Ammonia
Acies 1,500,000 500 Neon
Bark Mound
N/A 3,350,000 100
Brain Tree
Viride 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Roseum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Puniceum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Ostrinum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Lividum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Lindigoticum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Gypseeum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Aureum 3,565,100 100 Near Guardian Sites/ETA Nebula
Vermis 16,777,215 300 Norma Spiral Arm
Pullulanta 6,844,700 300 Perseus Spiral Arm
Peperatus 5,044,900 300 Inner Scutum Spiral Arm
Lapis 5,044,900 300 Outer Scutum Spiral Arm
Cortexum 6,844,700 300 Orion-Cygnus Spiral Arm
Speculumi 16,777,215 150
Margaritus 16,777,215 150
Lacrimam 13,114,000 150
Renibus 8,133,800 150
Labiata 4,835,200 150
Biconcavis 16,777,215 150
Aureolas 12,323,000 150
Crystalline Shard
N/A 3,626,400 100
Radialem 10,432,700 1000 White Dwarfs
Pluma 10,432,700 1000 White Dwarfs
Upupam 9,701,800 500 Argon-Rich
Segmentatus 16,777,215 500 Neon
Lapida 6,017,400 500 Nitrogen
Fluctus 16,777,215 500
Digitos 3,928,300 500 Methane
Campestris 1,956,100 500 Argon
Sponsae 10,045,400 150
Metallicum 3,626,400 150
Flammasis 15,387,600 150
Flabellum 3,936,600 150
Fera 3,626,400 150
Collum 3,645,500 150
Acus 12,323,000 150
Nitris 11,982,000 100
Extremus 16,777,215 100
Carbosis 10,432,700 100
Aquatis 10,432,700 100
Stabitis 3,698,100 300
Setisis 3,698,100 300
Gelata 6,346,900 300
Bullarum 6,896,600 300
Spiralis 4,919,000 800
Pumice 6,085,800 800
Pellebantus 14,698,600 800
Fractus 7,365,300 800
Discus 16,777,215 800 Geological Activity
Cornibus 3,369,700 800
Umbrux 12,934,900 150
Deltahedronix 12,934,900 150
Conditivus 12,934,900 150
Viride 3,425,600 100
Violaceum 3,425,600 100
Roseus 3,425,600 100
Prasinum 3,425,600 100
Lindigoticum 3,425,600 100
Caeruleum 3,425,600100
Blatteum 3,425,600 100
Albidum 3,425,600 100
Tectonicas 16,777,215 500 High Metal Content Planets
Paleas 3,152,500 500
Limaxus 3,152,500 500
Laminamus 5,523,100 500
Frigus 5,287,900 500
Excutitus 4,989,600 500
Cucumisis 16,777,215 500
Araneamus 4,89,600 500
Sororibus 9,701,800 800
Rosarium 5,287,900 800
Conifer 4,936,300 800
Compagibus 1,232,3000 800
Cavas 16,777,215 800
Virgam 16,777,215 200
Ventusa 6,193,300 200
Triticum 12,323,000 200
Stigmasis 16,777,215 200
Serrati 7,958,800 200
Propagito 2,194,200 200
Pennatis 1,832,900 200
Pennata 9,701,800 200
Ignis 4,004,600 200
Divisa 3,864,400 200
Cultro 3,864,400 200
Catena 3,864,400 200
Caputus 6,557,900 200
Capillum 11,383,900 200
Albata 6,230,500 200
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︎5 Shiny!
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