Cmdr RawrZillaFace
Scientist / Researcher
Registered ship name
Iicv New Dawn
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette ICID
Overall assets
Icarus Industries
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

20160503-1 South Side Of The Sky

03 May 2016RawrZillaFace
I find myself choking down antacid and liquor, while in trance to subconscious thought. Finding solace with a newly formed wing in HIP 35246. Extras, known to the incident of the Docking Computor Rebellion of 3301, claiming numerous lives. But here I sit with King Minos, pondering my life as I try to re-articulate a story that i had just  accidentally deleted. To recoup, I find my self bounty hunting, because that's where the money is.......Robigo..... so that i can purchase a ship for mining. Yes mining, a subject I have much knowledge in, but have spent little time doing. But the latter I find myself trying to kiss death, reaching out to find footage of stark battles, of civil war. Futile as countless lives are slung at each other, only for authority. We, like stones, sink in ponds and oceans all the same, only to have rites over our names. To pass each day I stroll through my catalogues to permeate an essence which I cannot yet fathom. Receiving praise for my photography work, I can see myself being an effective combat correspondent. We all have a piece, a chapter, a story. "Noblesse Oblige" A call of sirens latches to my soul, and I am hers. To tell of Commanders and their armies to officiate the true meanings and incidents, without remorse. Give call, and I will transcribe history. We stand on the precipice, a tide has waded and a tsunami is on the horizon.
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