Cmdr RawrZillaFace
Scientist / Researcher
Registered ship name
Iicv New Dawn
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Federal Corvette ICID
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Icarus Industries
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

20160504-2 Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

05 May 2016RawrZillaFace
CQC is not a jousting match. I find myself quite often flying head on an opponent only to maneuver away from an impact, to then readjust my AoA and proceed forward with a downward vertical thrust, only to still be rammed at. Wash, rinse, repeat.  I'm ok with the concept of ramming, it can be effective. This isn't Medieval times and casino. Also the turret types who float at zero speed and shoot who ever comes in range. You sir and or ma'am are in a spaceship with thrusters, maneuver.

: F=ma=m(v1-v0)=mv1-mv0
F = Thrust in Lbs
m = Mass flow rate of air lbs/sec (w/g)
v0 = Incoming air velocity ft/sec
v1 = Exhaust gas velocity ft/sec

I do believe to be immersed in a play type, commit.... a little. this is not a call of duty or battle field, camping is not exactly a option one should use in interstellar combat initiatives.

OHHHH but we are in space, there is no air. Well to counter, aggressive ECS internally located on board the ship mounted forward of the intakes, segregated from cargo and sound proofed enough to not cause tinnitus

liquid oxygen and hydrogen fuel.

This can still be relevant to the first theory if an engine type was created to be compatible with LOX / hydrogen.

But liquid oxygen doesn't show as a fuel type in the market.

It can be produced on a station.

As oxygen boils at 90 K /-183 °C and liquid nitrogen boils at 77 K /-196 °C we can use liquid nitrogen to liquify oxygen. The usual way to do this is to pass oxygen gas from a compressed gas cylinder through a coil of hollow copper pipe which is submerged in liquid nitrogen. The copper coil is a good conductor of heat and has a large surface area. Liquid oxygen is then usually collected in a thermos flask. However, the lack of a cylinder of compressed gas does not prevent liquid oxygen being made. Liquid oxygen can be identified in two ways. Firstly pure liquid oxygen is light blue in color, and secondly, liquid oxygen is paramagnetic. This means that it is affected by a magnetic field and is attracted to a sufficiently strong magnet.

Dropping knowledge bombs. I would also mention from the new patch that because CQC is now a separate game, that the boom of unskilled (not a bad thing, we were all there once) and cheap tactics, hence call of duty types make the quality of this style less than enjoyable. Receiving reprisal for, "Well it will only make actual game players better", but then there will be a flood of lame ducks who ruin good things. Yes those who find the game too difficult may have wasted 48 dollars, but flying is the hard part.... insert docking computer and maneuvering in and out of port is taken care of. Not to mention if one can fly reasonably well in CQC one can pilot in open play. This also solidifies the jousting and turret type players lack of skill in CQC  not  having full game content, as it being noticeable, probably pouring in to the real systems and factions, destroying all they touch like a cancer, later on. Call to a host of players port camping and combat logging, sanctity will no longer be virgin. Call me an elitist, fine, but i would like all to enjoy the game, not just me. I do understand tactics, methodology, and skill. A parade of overly aggressive "I "Meowed" your mom" and swatting types, who report everyone for "hacking". I feel this would happen, not that it would, because I've seen clans brood over a singular commander and travel systems to kill over and over to make a point that combat logging is wrong. Men in their 30's (not a stab) in a party chat back and forth who did what, how "they" are lying, The video's prove the other sucks, etc. I want to preserve this (not previously said antics). This environment is hostile and the men and women in your minor factions create families, this game is a different breed. It should stand as such. Dedicate individuals to the lore and history, math and science, knowledge. An atmosphere of rapport and dignity.
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