RTAC Squadron: Bounty Contract Guidelines
06 Jul 2020Ryanjt84
No RTAC Squadron bounty contract will be issued for a CMDR unless agreed upon by that CMDR. (both CMDRs so far have said "bring it on")A contract will only be issued for "murder". Piracy alone is not grounds for contract issuance, but can increase bounty payout amount.
A contract can only be issued once for any CMDR every 30 days. Should a contract be fulfilled by a bounty hunter, any crimes committed within the time remaining in the 30 days cannot be eligible for contract issuance. (Hey, it is called Elite DANGEROUS)
The purpose is to have skilled PVP battles with CMDRs who own engineered ships and to create more in game opportunities. (RTAC payout ships may be carrying more than just the reward, setting up a double cross or pirate attack. So far it hasn't happened yet *fingers crossed*)
Whether you fly safely or fly dangerously, always fly with insurance, Commanders.