Logbook entry

Neutrino pulsing sparks…

27 May 2020El_Guapo_Gaucho
Star Date: 15.05.3306
Ship: “Night Cat” Custom Touring DBX
Location: EAFOTS RN-B D13-75
Prompt: Neutrino pulsing sparks…

My heart is thumping. I feel like I am lost.
I am facing a reality I cannot accept…

I have checked the logs for communications again.
Nothing. Suspiciously nothing.

I have checked the Galnet information deliveries.
Always the same time on each 24 hour cycle. Exactly. To the second.
Even though I am travelling further and further away from the bubble.

I have checked the data of arrival of the Galnet entries down to the tenth of a second, then a hundredth, then a thousandth, then a millionth. The central processor takes longer each time, computing millionths took almost 30 minutes. Always the same outcome though - too precise. Maybe I have not travelled far enough for visible deviations within the correlation of samples, and the sample is very small - but…

Taking into account the angle of delivery through the galaxy is changing as I jump between the stars; fractional changes in systems alignment due to gas giants, clustered celestial bodies, stellar gravity, nav beacon communication and even the odd megaship, fleet carrier and space station providing pings of information, changes due to the constant entropic movement of space/time, and the fact I am in sparsely populated space: this does not make sense.  

Galnet entries appearing every day at the exact same time is dubiously succinct. I am beginning to think they have been planted by someone or something to appear at the same time every day, which is similar to the normal timing of delivery, but the error is the precision of their appearance relative to each other.

Why would someone plant my Galnet news delivery? Unless they wanted to make it look like that is the only news that had arrived. Unless they were covering the tracks of something which had been deleted. Who could plant information on my ship in deep space many, many light years from anyone else?

It’s an old programmers rule, that nothing ever gets deleted. How I know this I do not know but I trust I know it very well. Like the scientific maxim of substances, you can never truly disintegrate something, only change it into solid, vapour or liquid. Data is never truly deleted, but the files are misdirected, converted, copied over - the information is stored in the same place, but the definition table that tells you where it is gets redirected, corrupted or simply ceases to exist.

I have checked the private message cache, nothing.
I re-checked the Galnet, all there, too precise.
I can feel it though. I can feel it like those little flashes I get before a severe headache, the little floaters on the edge of vision that I cannot quite see, and when I try reveal themselves momentarily then flicker away. Nothing there.

I know I’m feeling irrational and paranoid,
I’m trying my best to keep my behaviour methodical, systematic.

I am going to complete a few manual process;

*COVAS Commence Dictation Alpha *
Comience el dictado al diario (ALPHA)
Fecha:  15.05.3306
Hora: 14:37 UGT (estimado)

I am screen printing the readout here from all the checks.

I am running them manually and sourcing the information from each module one by one into the central processor for pattern analysis.

Flight data, all accurate.

Ships core engine & modules data, all ok.

Galaxy map & Star system maps, all ok.

The data verification images in order;
Noted: some images almost transportive
less data verification
more romance with the stars
subsequent large file sizes due to increased exposures
large zoom lens
but nothing untoward.

File Sizes.
File Sizes.
Rechecking all data for file size anomalies;
All data is in order with the exception of…
this logbook.

It is reporting an overall file size ten times what should be here.
I only have four entries,
but the file size is describing close to…
Forty total logbooks.

I am running a manual check over disk sectors
inhabited by journal databanks.
There, plain as starlight;

Message after message, deleted.
All damaged.
All corrupted.
All unreadable.

Information which has been sabotaged,
broken and subsequently lost.
But still there.

Like substances,
you can never truly disintegrate something,
only change it into solid,
vapour or liquid.

How the hell did someone get on my ship and
sabotage my information?
And if they didn’t get on here,
how the hell did they do it remotely?

My head, Ah!
My head, those litte flashes
I get before a severe headache,
the little floaters on the edge of vision
that I cannot quite see,
they are starting to appear.

There is no-one else here,
I already completed a
very careful search of the ship.

All the cabins, all the hatches.
I even dropped from supercruise and
sent a pair of limpets out to
have a look at the external surfaces of the ship.

There was nothing hanging on the side,
no additional compartments,
no sign of anyone else on board.

Just me.
Just me.
Just me.

*COVAS Conclude Dictation Alpha *
Concluir el dictado al diario (ALPHA)
Fecha:  15.05.3306
Hora: 16:10 UGT (estimado)

Something is going on.
My heart is thumping. I feel like I am lost.
I am facing a reality I cannot accept…  
I know I’m feeling irrational and paranoid,
I’m trying my best to keep my behaviour methodical, systematic.

I looked over the Galnet entries again.
I went back as far as I could and looked for any differences.
I ran the figures through the central processor again, more time lost, my headache increased in intensity.

I started to see slight discrepancies in the timing of the actual news stories, the date of publication and the timing and date and destination of publishing to my system. Minute minuscule differences right down at the billionth of a second. Anomalies appear at the following destinations - Ceos, Sothis, Robigo and above all Irula.

Ceos and Sothis, it’s feasible I dropped by them on my testing runs close to Robigo - but they are nearly 60ly away from Robigo - Night Cat could do it no problem, but I was certain I stayed close to Robigo on those trips - and I have no memory of these places, they are further than 20ly but they feel…

There seems to be no further data available beyond Irula, but the Irula entries date back to six months ago, well before I took ownership of Night Cat. Ceos and Sothis are closer to three months ago and are mixed in with entries around Robigo. That is within my physical recovery timeframe, but I had just started rehab if my timeline is accurate. Assuming my timeline is accurate. What if my timeline is inaccurate - no stop. Madness lies in that direction.

It all looks consistent except for that problem, as far as I can remember, I have only been out in deep space for about fifteen days. I started writing these entries on the fifth of March this year, and I am now taking significant effort to encrypt them and back them up.

There is also the matter of the file size for the journal databanks which I estimate at approximately forty entries. Now assuming I have been writing at my current regiment of every seventy two hours - that means I could possibly have started writing entries ninety to one hundred and twenty days before today - not two weeks ago, but three to four months ago.

I know something is wrong with my memory - I know I have been using various techniques to try to get it working the right way, and have found solace in the Class A stars. I was loosing a lot of time in the flatties, and droning while useful for uncovering memories, is also mixing a lot of dreamy fantasy into what I know and what I don’t know.

Something is going on.
My heart is thumping.
I feel like I am lost.
I am facing a reality I cannot accept…
I do not like the outcome.
I am paranoid.
I am delusional.
And the pain in my head is affecting my vision, my thinking, my clarity…

*COVAS Commence Dictation Beta*
Comience el dictado al diario (BETA)
Fecha:  15.05.3306
Hora: 17:57 UGT (estimado)

I have one last thing to try and solve this conundrum.

*COVAS - confirm location*
*Ubicacion Confirmada: EAFOTS RN-B D13-75.*

My intended destination between Heart and Soul Nebulas.

The celestial skyscape is literally taking my breath away,
some peace between the throbbing in my head,
the tension in my heart and
the shaking in my hands.

Yes I finally made it,
neutrino pulsing sparks from
the local collapsed stellar body of
pulsing post supernova.

A beautiful neutron star is my
anchor between what was and what is.

The numerator of my past and
denominator of my present

The neutron star being the
divisive symbol between

The deciding integer
the split between confusion and reality.

I have set the lock for all the databanks of Night Cat(e) with
billionth encrypted logic,
stored in a range of specific data verification images,
which can only be unlocked by revisiting this Neutron star
at this particular time in the constant of our galaxy.

It should therefore be
unlock-able and impenetrable.

The algorithm to complete lock all current
information is set and activated.

The FSD is Supercharged.
That was an effort in itself but it is done.

Once the integer for encoding is derived from
the timing of the solar flare emanating out from
the neutron star.

Correlation will be achieved against
the charge timing of the FSD to our next destination,
and force unlock full control of all systems
only upon arrival at our destination.

I have scanned Heart and Soul Nebulas and
found there is a space station,
Farsight Expedition Base
at Heart Sector IR-V B2-0.

COVAS will request docking and cleary state
we have no autodock capacity and
that the pilot is indisposed,
remaining in semi-stasis.

We are recommending the closest
MedicSpecialist examine the pilot,
preferably with psychological specialisation
due to acquired brain injury.

I think I have covered all potential problems.
Now it's time to enter the semi-stasis capsule and engage…

With the best intentions - SolSebastian.
My heart is thumping.
I am delusional.
The pain in my head is getting worse again….
What if I have done this before?
Damn it. Too clever SolSebastian, too clever.
You will just have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
I have done all I can to keep you safe.
Forgive me, you fool.

*COVAS Semi-stasis engage*[/color]
Comience guion CORAZON YI ALMA
Fecha:  15.05.3306
Hora: 22:22 UGT (estimado)

Cargando semi-estasis
Cargando motor de distortion

Destino Farsight Expedition Base en Heart Sector IR-V B2-0.
Listo para activar
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