Logbook entry

One Thousand, One Hundred and One

11-9-3306 - 5:21:31 - FOC Rescue Ship near Garrido Market - LHS 4031 Life CO

Ship - Orca - MetaVem Rescue Ship MVS&R


Y'know, I planned to do one of these a long time, talking about my work for the Brotherhood, or my trip to Colonia, but I guess this is an achievement worth boasting about more. I am tired, I have been flying in and out of Garrido Market for around four hours, but every time I tell myself "One more run", I find myself doing two more. These civilians do not deserve the bloodshed forced upon them.  Tonight was my first time flying as a rescue pilot, and lemme tell ya, it is something to be proud of. Yeah, it doesn't pay like surface mining painites and low temp diamonds, nor does it give the rush of hunting bounties, but when you look at the numbers on your record go up...?

I never before transported refugees, it had sat at zero in my records. As the last passengers departed my ship, I pulled up my personal records.  "Refugees: 1,101" I could not help but smile. Funny thing is, I have flown for a few years and I have yet to reach one thousand kills. I just saved more lives in four hours than I had taken in three years. After looking at this, I got a communication request from Elia Alexander, my crew member who I have had with me for about a year now. She was spending time with her daughter and heard from one of our associates in Bandjigali that I left in a hurry to Imp space to help with Search and Rescue efforts. Needless to say, she expressed she wanted me to be careful and said if I died, she will kill me. Her fears were not without warrant, as it seems the recent actions of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has not only sprung many commanders from all over the bubble into action to rescue those effected by the bombings, but brought the attention of opportunistic pirates, murderers and terrorists to join their ranks. Many rescue vessels have reported interdiction and some have even been ambushed right outside of stations.

I made a promise to Elia that I will come back safe, but if she cares so damn much, she better be willing to let me take her to that little diner back in Tull Orbital I have wanted her to try. But it will have to wait, for we may be going out on a mercenary contract soon if the Empire looks for pilots to aid in fighting the NMLA. Until then, I have work to do helping these civilians. I will end my shift for now and resume my work come tomorrow. I also sent out broadcasts to other pilots looking to join the effort, advising them on things such as bringing passenger cabins, shields and heatsink launchers, hoping this will help them get this done. My eyes grow tired, and I have much work to do tomorrow. I shall publish this log for others to see and to make one thing clear:

Anyone can be a hero and save lives. You do not need the incentives, nor do you need to be convinced in any other way. Despite the wrongs of the Empire, many pilots from bounty hunters to miners, Imperials to Feds, Democracies to Dictatorships, everyone sees what happened today. It is time we come together to help those effected by this tragedy. Let's make a difference.


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