Logbook entry

Open Rebellion in Bandjigali - Freedom or Death!

"Independent Bandjigali Labour, the irony of their name" Vice President Rice, representative of MetaVem Brotherhood when I am not around, speaks with disgust of our enemies in this bloody war. "Many slaves showed up in Tombaugh Market during the month of May, clearly they are using forced labour instead of 'independent'. It disgusts me!" Everyone on the bridge of the MVS Anabasis listens to the broadcast on all Bandjigali channels, but Post Commander Julie Wilkens, our carrier's Deck Officer, looks to me with a nod as I step over and look at the incoming reports from the battlefields. The fighting is brutal and fierce, many inspired by the recent rebellion by Azaladshu Free, and reports come in of native Federal Navy Pilots defecting to join as freedom fighters or take contracts as security personnel, even mercenaries. Suddenly a part of Rice's speech catches my attention. "....it has come to the point Bandjigali Limited, one of our competitors, has suffered from the extortion and heavy taxation of the Slave Bandjigali Labour party and are willing to not only send pilots into the battlefield, but help solidify our independence by helping remove the parasite that is the LHS 3320 Progressive Party, who they are gearing up for war with. We have no ill will against the Federation as a whole, but with the PDB invading our privacy and the unchecked oppression of a member faction of the Federation making our lives miserable, we are ready to fight for our freedom once more!"

At this point, Elia Alexander, my crew member walks in with several other pilots with her and I turn to her and nod, it's time to move. I turn back to Julie, a former Federation pilot herself as she gets on coms with the surrounding Condor fighters, waiting for my ship to surface. The carrier cannot shoot them down without reason or we risk bringing more attention and possible Battlecruisers sent to the front line and even to intercept our carriers operations. "Sir, we are ready to make a run for it" a voice comes through my ear piece, marines of House Royale, MetaVem Private Military Services and Noble Company, groups who are part of our Brotherhood, are loaded on dropships to be transported to conflicts zones nearby and fighter pilots are ready to take off and challenge the Condors as a deterrence to them attacking. The two Federal factions wr are fighting already have their hands full with many groups in system and some from nearby systems and further away joining the battle and cannot afford to send their best forces to stop a carrier with only a mere one percent of the fighting force. We may be undermanned and most of our forces lacking the experience some of the Federal ships have, but we have our fighting spirit and resolve. I head towards the hanger with Elia, ready to join my brothers in our dash to join the battlefields and the furballs.

"Okay listen up" I speak into the coms loud and clearly "We are gunna watch these Fed punks as our marines head planetside to relieve our men on the ground under heavy fire. Make sure you are finished preparing, we take off in ten. After our guys FSD out we are heading to the nearby conflict zone to join our brothers and sisters!" A chorus of cheers and battle cries flood the channel. I turn to see Elia looking at a picture of her daughter and I place a hand on her shoulder "When this over you get a month vacation" she looks to me and rolls her eyes "Let's just go cowboy" she says with a grin. We begin to board the MVS Bordelon, my Corvette, and prepare ourselves for a nasty battle ahead.
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