Logbook entry

An Eventful Year

Man, the past year has been crazy. Just six days ago we celebrated the one year anniversary of when our home system was liberated by the combined might of MetaVem, Alliance Join Navy squadrons, and the Equestrian Navy. Funny enough such a day was right before my birthday. Since then we recruited a new Commander who was a valuable member, before they decided to leave. They spoke with me before hand, and I expressed that the Brotherhood has an open door policy, you can leave at any time and you would be free to come back if you ever chose so long as you gave us no reason to bar your return. Found out a couple months back that after their departure they joined up with the Equestrians, our saviors. It brought me comfort, knowing they are still close to us in a way. We had two others no longer in our ranks, one being a member of my Venom Guard, my top officers....but he returned a few months later, probably just needed some time to do his own thing. He was welcomed back as if he just took a vacation, you're always one of us, Brother. As for the third.......She was removed. The first time I had to expel a member of our family due to misconduct. She had committed an act considered highly disrespectful and taboo amongst Commanders, and put us in jeopardy of being attacked after my attempts and diplomatically solving the situation was undermined by their erratic behavior towards a large group of independent commanders.

Another change was the passing of my father last year, whom I decided to rename my carrier after, formerly the Anabasis and now the Philip Bordelon. May your spirit guide us wherever we go, Pops. On a much brighter note, we managed to drive our long time rivals, LHS 3320 Progressive Party, from our home and swiftly moved in our good friends, the Altruists. A lovely bunch, living up to their name every time we meet. We also have found ourselves enjoying quite the success lately in pushing our people towards perhaps leaving Bandjigali, but it seems it would take a lot of work to do so....perhaps a recruitment drive to find members for the primary squadron is in order. Well, I suppose I should go get back to work, I have been taking contracts for other systems to clean up pirate trash, of course through MetaVem. It has really helped our influence, and we get more people joining our company of merchants, mercenaries and explorers daily. I really wonder if Brotherhood is a good name, considering to the outside view it sounds more like a cult than a very large corporation that views all members as family.

My SLF pilot, Elia, thinks it's fine and jokingly calls me "Little Brother" often. Such a sweet woman, I cannot wait to invite her to my wedding....ah yes, there is also that, how could I forget! Some time after our liberation campaign, I met someone special from Alliance space when doing work for our allies in the AJN, and we hit it off. Pursuing a career as a doctor, doing their residency and almost finished, as a matter of fact! Ha, talk about quite a catch! We talked about a future together, agreeing that we will be engaged when they finish their work and become a full fledged doctor. Heh, here I am going on when I should be preparing for take off. Guess I should sign off now.
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