Logbook entry

Home Again

12 May 2016OdstBrownie
***Log Start 5/11/3302***

Only 21 jumps and I was home. In my new vulture no less! She cost me pretty penny, but I was happy with her. I had contemplated names all the way back here, jump after jump, refueling station after refueling station.

The ship had some personality to her I had to give her that, but she could really pack a punch. I was worried at first that 2 hard points wouldn't be enough, but I was clearly wrong! I equipped an FSD Interdictor, and hovered around Barnard's Star for awhile picking off pirates as they came through for some quick cash. I was surprised I was able to take on a couple of larger vessels without much fuss.

I have decided to name her Malta. Not for any particular reason, I just like the name. I sign off for now, but look forward to pirate hunting in Hip 112049 where I got my Career started.

***End Log***
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