Logbook entry

Home sweet home

01 Jun 2016Teclo Meridian
I’m home, it has been a long journey but I came back home safe in Volkhabe. It has been a hard adventure, one month spent alone in the deep space in a thin shielded ship really prove your nerves and your mental stability. I’ve scanned hundreds of neutron stars and explored hundreds of new systems, putting my name on most of them, meaning no man has never been there before. My data has been paid well, about 44 million credits, a very appreciated side effect of exploration. The tricky part was coming back into the bubble, there are pirates everywhere nowadays so I used the services offered by Iridium Wing, a professional wing offering escort service for explorers. It has been a very nice experience, we have set a randevouz system  outside the bubble, HIP 104133, we met on a small moon orbiting the first planet, thinking the place was safe being 200 ly outside the bubble. We were wrong, a few minutes after meeting alpha wing we spotted some ships approaching the surface starting scanning me and my escorts. Thanks God there were these guys protecting me with a huge load of weapons and thick shields, the answer was fast and powerful and the intruder promptly destroyed into a useless wreckage.

The journey to Volkhabe took about one hour, jumping  only 10 ly we found other pirates along the way but my escort promptly got rid of the danger, always keeping me in a safe spot. I got home without a scratch, hull at 83% from the dangers and mistakes of the long journey of course, but the escort worked great, I’ve been impressed by the professional work they did. Thank you Iridium Wing, you’ve been the great final step of a great adventure.
Now the Icarus is landed and under maintenance, repairing the hull, reoutfitting the ship with weapons and powerful shields will take some time. I want to tune the FSD to increase the jump range using the newest technology available, and I want it to be done before the Crab Nebula Expedition starts, so I have about 10 days of hard work ahead. Meanwhile I’ll be back in the cockpit of the Mycenae smuggling to increase my finance, all the work on the Icarus must be paid after all.

More about this journey on https://teclomeridian.wordpress.com
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