Logbook entry

Entry 8, Hasty return home

12 Feb 2021Irishdavo
Logbook Entry 8, Cmdr Irishdavo

My ramble around unexplored space was always nearly finished, but events at home have called for me to terminate the trip immediately and make for the Bubble with all possible haste.  I had intended to spend a few days in Eagle Sector having a good look around but events in Hip System demand my immediate attention.

My squadron, the Independent Middle Aged Pilot's Consortium, finally found and occupied our new Galactic home in the Hip System.  This, as you can imagine, has led to great excitement and talk of wing missions to explore our new home and the neighbouring systems.  Plans to consolidate our position in the system however took a dramatic turn, one day after the squadron moved in to the system...  The treacherous Nationalists of Hip 101904, attacked us, without warning or provocation, dragging the whole System into a bloody and futile Civil War.  

The Squadron of course put our plans on hold to meet this new threat, and Commanders are coming to the system from all over the Galactic plane, myself and the Senan included.  On arrival in Carstensz Vision, our new Coriolis Starport, I needed to make preparations for combat, an element of life in space that I am not too experienced in.  I have spent a lot of time in space exploring, mining, trading etc...  I have spent very little time in pew pew mode...  I also needed a combat ready ship.  I ordered my Python, the L.E. Saoirse, to be delivered.  She has been specifically put together for combat and has some seriously big teeth...

While waiting for the delivery was a good time to get a tutorial from my squadron mates.  Cmdrs Redstorm and Arkwright were about and with Cmdr Dingbatdave's guidance I was ready to wing up and go looking for a fight that we never wanted, but had imposed on us.  We discussed tactics and plans and once the Saoirse arrive, launch and head to the nearest Conflict Zone, low intensity initially, to find some of the treacherous Nationalist aggressors to destroy.  There were no shortage of them and after numerous successful sorties, the Medium intensity zone was next.  The battles were fiercer but the squadron emerged victorious once again.

Day 1 ended with a close victory for the squadron.  Day 2 is nearly upon us and the effort, and cost will be high, but we will again prevail.

Go n'eiri libh
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