Logbook entry

Entry 11, Engineering and Exploring

26 Feb 2021Irishdavo
Logbook Entry 11, Cmdr Irishdavo

I still struggle with the events of the past while but have made peace with them for the most part, I am also aware however, that I will need to find that inner demon again in the future. After my decompression time I took on some missions in our home system and enjoyed them, I did courier runs and delivery missions. I also refitted the LE Aisling to carry passengers and she was a great hit with them all...

While doing passenger missions the opportunity presented to head out to Robigo and do a few runs to Sothis, out to Sirius Laboratories. I did not realise how lucrative it would be, and will make that trip a regular occurrence, not just for the cash but also for the materials that these wealthy people are willing to pay me... WOW!

I made so much in a few days that I was able to consider engineering the ships, this however led to its own issues. I did not realised just how much travel was involved jumping from system to system looking for materials and then looking for brokers who deal in those materials, and then heading to the planets where these nutty engineers live. I met Blaster McQuinn, what a nut! great engineer but a whackadoodle! I got him to upgrade my multi cannons on the off chance that we end up in another war soon...

I met Fecility Farseer, she is a genius and did a hell of a job on my FSD but another nutcase!

Elvira Martuk took the biscuit though, what a head banger, she did not want me there at all, though she liked my goods and money well enough. I have to visit a few more of these guys for upgrades to the ships but I will not like any of them I think, they are just a little "off"

I headed out to a Guardian site with my pal, Cmdr DingBatDave and he helped me stock up on blueprints and materials so that I could engineer up a Guardian FSD booster. We headed out on the Dilli, it was lovely to have cruise on her and not be going to a fight for a change, it was great having her nearby for refuel and rearm. Those Guardian defences are not particularly potent but they are persistent and needed quite a bit of ordinance from the SRV cannons to subdue the resulting Guardian FSD Booster is a wonderful piece of kit... It has changed how I view the galaxy, and opened it up to me. My Krait is now capable of over 60 LY jumps after the installation of the Guardian kit and that Farseer nutter have a root about with the drives...

I also had to feed the habit though, I had to take on some bounty missions for the Consortium, so as to maintain our position in the system and also to keep my eye in. I also wanted to test the new weapons and shields. Things are coming together and the Ailbhe is pretty deadly... I would like to have her power plant and thrusters done but from what DBD told me on comms yesterday, we will not have time. If there is a fight ahead then we will meet it head on...

Go n'eiri libh.
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