Logbook entry

Log #3 - Birthday / Close Call in The Pleiades..

13 Dec 2020Floofi
Log Star- Warning: Failure to begin log.
"I swear to Aisling Duval I will crash this thing into a star if this happens again..."
Restarting: Please Wait.
"This better work.."
Log Start: Entry 3, Close Call in The Pleiades. (Written 14:30 UTC)
"Well.. looks like I WONT have to crash this thing into the nearest star."

Ah, ok, it finally worked.. So, to get this out of the way, according to my family members back in Sol, It's that time of year where the Earth has revolved around Sol once, which they call a "Birthday", I think thats more of a Sol thing than a yknow.. Outer space sort of thing.. But hey! I get to spend some time with my family, maybe have a nice little talk to the youngest about my recent Thargoid kills! Since they're based in UTC -5, or Eastern Standard Time according to the United States.. I had to get ready by around 15:00 UTC, which isnt hard, hell I wake up at around 10:30 UTC, maybe later if I pull an All-Nighter.. Oh! Which reminds me, I should get ready, I dont want to be late!

Log Paused - Awaiting permission to restart.
Log Restart initiate- ERROR: Failure to Restart, try again? (Y) - (N)
"OH NO THIS AGAIN AA-distant screaming
Log Unpaused, carry on commander. (Log Restarted: 16:01 UTC)
"Thank you.. remind me to update you next time.."
- Cargo Scoop Depl- Cargo Scoop Retracted
"Why must I be hurt in this way..."
Ok.. Okay.. I'm back.. man time flies by fast back in Sol..
- Anyways, lets talk about something different, this birthday talk is a bit odd in 3306..
As always, I've been fighting Thargoids in the Pleiades Nebula, specifically the Merope system. My Anti-Xeno ship, DLNV K. Kanizawa has been doing well these last few days in the Pleiades, I've noticed an increase in skill with the Flak Cannon I've installed on my Krait. But today.. something was.. off.. I wasn't flying too well today, maybe from spending most of my time in Sol so far? Thats probably it, but you never really know. Anyways, after i had restocked, refuled, etc, I went to a NHSS around 18ls from Copernicus Observatory. You know how I said my flying was off today, well I learned that the hard way mid fight.. With just one fight, i went from full hull integrity, to around 28% left.. My life support was down, half my weapons were rendered inoperable, everything was going south, i only had 2 working Gauss Cannons left. Once i took down the goids last heart before I could go in for the full kill, it and its swarm targeted my weapons, along with heat damage from firing two gauss cannons at once, two of them, the ones on top of the Krait, were rendered inoperable, shortly after, my Flak Cannon was rendered inoperable as well. So.. I had no other choice, my shields were up, but with no Flak to take down the swarm, it was chipping away slowly. So I decided to ram into the thargoid to give it a bit of damage, I fired my gauss cannons but.. At the last second.. one of them had been rendered inoperable.. I only had one left.. and with that one gauss cannon, I was able to get a few good shots to the Cyclops and blew it up.. 23% hull, almost all my weapons rendered inoperable, Life Support down. But.. I'm glad I got out of that fight alive.

I have since repaired, and restocked, so everything is going fine now. Although, I think its time I end this log, its getting a bit long...

- o7, to whoever may read this
- Best Regards, Commander Floofi -

Log Ending...
Powering Down...

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