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Back to Pareco - A BuckyBall Racing Story

09 Feb 2022Seingalt

Exiting whitchspace in 7 Andromedae. Turning off my flight assist Modules watch Galflix modules to warm up for the race week. Never too late to take good habits, right ? But damn... that procedural medical holo is so addictive! Maybe it's because it's written like a cop show? Maybe it's because the main character is just as much as a jerk as I am ? Dunno, but taking a break from it will probably do me some good, I pop episodes just like he pops pills!

7.5kms, Pad 6... Couldn't get better whatever I asked the flight regulator. They don't know me here... yet no bother, I am just here for the discount. If we were racing here, they'd learn to give me Pad 13 just to save time and saliva. 13? Yeah, just like in the holo, whoever thought of a character called by a number ? And that was written wayyyy before that NMLA Theta seven thing happened.

CLANK! "Docking complete, solid approach". Yeah, right, your sarcasm isn't all lost on me. Is it like a flight operations control private joke ? They always go for it when I am pissed at my landing. Looking forward to never hearing that one again after "polishing" Pareco's pads so much my landing gear will just slide. Well, that's if I manage to get better at it of course.

Ok, The Buckyball Racing Club handed us a pretty shopping list, let's see...

Hardpoints : none, Utility mounts : none, wait a sec, frag cannons? We have to use hardpoints... Hardpoints?! HARDWHATS?!!? Have they lost all racing sanity?

I haven't seen the detail of the 8 races yet, they must have found some use for it, but I'd feel lighter without that kind of implements. As if 2 frags were going to do me any good in a fight? They want to see me shooting something? A fly by Maybe? Or it's just for the mass repartition of the ship... I'll have to remember to ask them.

Hum ok, 3D Power plant, 9MW is too much, right? How much juice do these frags need anyway?

4D Thrusters... 4 D ? Isn't this supposed to be a racing ship? Damn, they'll probably want us to make the best of the FSD. What did they pick? 4A, that confirms it, there must be a multi jump race at some point. With that power plant, I could have fitted 4A thrusters in exchange for point something of a light year of range. Yes .69 ly to be exact, sometimes that must mean doing an extra jump, but it ALWAYS makes your speed better.

Oh, they also included a fuel scoop, 4B. Well, I'll have to check the fuel consumption, because they purposely didn't put a 4A just to force me to make the most of those pesky jumps. Well, that, at least I don't have to learn, but I believe I haven't ever used a B class. Not hat it matters, it's just inefficient on purpose to show that I can be. Challenge accepted. I'll probably even fare better with the 4D Thrusters and giganormous fuel tank anyway.

Hum, the rest seem pretty stan ... Hey ! Wait a minute, 4A life support ? How many extra tons is that one gonna cost me? Hmm, nevermind, I heard of that one. Takes your breath away right? Turn off your life support and fly. Seems nice, except I won't ear the engines that well. At least the countdown is going to be exciting. Hum, I'll go and save some fuel and turn it off for the elttorht lluf oceraP ! I'll get used to it and it'll give me my "stop time" at every pressurized station.

Shields, 3D, sure... 2 tons of bumpers, I wouldn't survive without them. Good thing Dynamic Shielding doesn't sponsor the championship, the Bi-weave are a bit on the heavy side. Sure, they recharge quite well, almost as fast as a Thargoïd but after all, I not supposed to hit anything, supposed being the opperative word, yes I know.

Oh ! They kept the best for last: an SRV Hangar. Last time I tried to handle an SRV, that was in Napier, but they are hell to fly without
that omnidirectionnal seat. I'll do my best, but how do they say?
Yeah, I remember now... "Crashing is just the Buckyball way. If you don`t crash you ain`t trying."
Not the official Club motto I think... Isn't that "There is fast and then there is Buckyball" ?

OH, and I shoudn't forget to buy an SRV at some point. For now the empty bay just looks better, as well at the empty cargo rack. It gives a streamlined touch to the whole!

Seingalt flips through their notes...

Hum and yeah, I should check that detention facility too, have a taxi put there, just in case I have to have the /\/The PINBALL\/\ scratches some random T9's paint and crash in the process.

Ok. All set! I only have to drop at the detention facility and have my dear Doppinder bring in good old Chippy for the return trip. It's weird how it always feels like I am forgetting something... (and leaves his favorite Buckyball Racing Club beer coaster at the Station's Bar, comes back running to the outfitting shop a minute later...)

Alright, finally found the ship's name here is what I am gonna call that one. Hands a paper to the mechanic. On it one could read: "

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︎0 Shiny!
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