A luck Escape - of sorts...
17 May 2020Cmdr Chonaire
Yesterday I picked up an assisination mission for a local trouble maker. The co-ordinators said it would be perfect for me, with my 'mostly harmless' combat rating.All I had to do was go and scan a data terminal at a nearby outpost to find the current known location of the target.
The output was rated as a + for security; I expected maybe some skimmers, so I flew in close and there was no response. I flew in closer; no turrets, no skimmers - just a set of small buildings and a terminal.
I scanned the terminal and got the data I needed, and just as the scanned finished I notice it; the federal corvette sitting on the pad, engines firing up.
I tried to boost away, to get away from the surface and get into supercruse, but stood no chance.
Thank the void for the escape capsule....