Logbook entry

Actually writing (for once)...

15 Nov 2020Valanga
CMDR Valanga. Leader of The Macho Gang and proud owner of my own little rinkidink research firm, the Seven Keys Alliance. Nice to meet you.

I figure I may as well try actually keeping a journal, even though I know I'm usually so bad with these things. Things are beginning to move very quickly for the SKA and I feel like not keeping at least personal notes about these times would be doing future Val a disservice.

After our wildly successful expedition some months ago led us to bizarre errant radio emissions which led us to our ancient Guardian tech digsite, things have honestly been looking up for us! We walked away with some impressive - albeit not always practical - ship tech, and quite an experience. Plus, if it weren't for that survey getting me curious and tinkering with focus crystal composition, I wouldn't have stumbled into the motherlode mining site we found.

I can't overstate how big a deal this is; there's a LOT of painite in these massive floating gemstones. This is going to be what does it for us financially. This is going to finance the Infinitas. We'll finally have a mobile base of operations, R&D laboratories on tap... needless to say, I'm excited.

Oh, and next week the Pilot's Federation is running that New Registration Initiative thing, so we'll be seeing a lot of new blood taking to the black... that's a lot of potential new talent I could be bringing aboard, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled.

I wish much interesting happened yesterday to report on, but we just continued our motherlode operations- oh! I guess I'm a double-billionaire now! That much is pretty noteworthy!

I've got nothing else right now. It's Val.
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︎4 Shiny!
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