Logbook entry

And I haven't even had my coffee yet

16 Nov 2020Valanga
2.1 lightyears.

That's how goddamn far I have traveled in supercruise, in a roughly straight line, towards nothing, for the last 10 hours.

I fell asleep at the helm again. Part of me wants to believe that I would realize I have a problem after the 3rd incident. But no, I'm out in the middle of nowhere with half my fuel tank conspicuously empty and my top priority is in-fact that I need some coffee.

Which I do.

I suppose I'll see how much farther I've gotten by the time my coffee and breakfast is ready, then hyperspace jump out to... basically anywhere other than here. Wherever this is. For all I know, I've crossed into another damned star system by now.

This day-in day-out grind to finance my Victory-class is clearly starting to wear on me. I could complain about how this feels like it's going to last forever - and in fact, I just did - but I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I'm going to make some coffee and have a bagel and ponder my own life choices for a bit.

2.2 lightyears.
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