Logbook entry


28 Nov 2020Valanga

Staring back at me in the mirror. Time changes all of us. We make new friends, and deadly enemies. Sometimes out of others, sometimes out of ourselves. Nothing is more dangerous than an old friend who becomes a formidable foe.

Am I my own worst enemy?


On the last few weeks out in the black. I'm rather proud of myself for actually keeping this commander's log going. In the past, I would have faltered, given up, forgotten. I guess I have that much to be proud of. I've made some new friends out of some old friends. I don't really have any new enemies other than the usual politics plaguing the Bubble.

By that token, I can't be all that bad.

I haven't really done a whole lot today. CMDR Fraudfish is taking some elective piloting lessons and we'll be winging together afterwards. Do I really want to spend my time until then feeding the Feds exactly what they want?

...what's stopping me from supplying the Imperials all the same?

Maybe I just want to watch the world burn around me for my own monetary gains. Does that make me no better than them?

This isn't much of a log entry. I'll certainly write again tonight to catalogue the events to come. I just wanted to put my thoughts on paper. Flying that Adder last night really dropped some feelings of nostalgia on me and got me in a real bizarre mood. I'm literally not even the same person I used to be. But I'm still me, aren't I?

But time changes all of us. I'm pretty sure I'm more my own ally than my own enemy by this point. That's more than I could say of myself from the past.

Maybe I should just let the past stay dead.
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