Logbook entry

Hook, line, and sinker

03 Dec 2020Valanga
My clever ploy seems to have paid off. Neither side seemed any the wiser.

Today marks the end of the initiatives by the Feds and the Imperials to accrue resources for their shipyards so they can build more war machines to chuck at each other. Lugging huge 750-tonne loads of ship components in and out of stations ended up netting me a spicy 80 million Credits, and that's not including the profits I made from the actual point-of-sale. But what's more, after I wrapped up there, I slipped out of Parutis and down to Mandh - where the Imperials were running their little fundraiser - and got some work in for them as well. Not as impressive of a profit, and a lot less effort put in, but they still awarded me a nice 12 million Credits for my work - again, not counting point-of-sale profits.

And this was indeed the extra push my wallet needed to fulfill my master plan.

After dropping my last haul off in Mandh, I hauled myself over to Agartha - namely, Enoch Port. One of the few independently-operated stations in the Bubble where the Brewer Corporation has installed a dealership for their megaships. Dropping next to the station and seeing a massive dry dock and shipyard off to the side, the Brewer logo embossed onto the exterior of the structure, a ship in-construction docked within, was awe-inspiring to say the least. Really gave me a sense of scale, having only seen these installations in pamphlets and whatnot. I actually had not visited one of their shipyards before today.

I just got done talking with their vendor contact. I'm still shaking. I'm five billion Credits poorer now, but I couldn't care less - I have the vessel of my dreams.

The designation given was "Research and Surveyal Carrier". So, I'm now the very, very proud owner of the RSC Infinitas. The Macho Gang's shiny new mobile base of operations. I will admit, I did actually cry when I saw them working on my new megaship out on the dry docks. Getting it touched up and ready to hand off to me. I've been told I can come back for it tomorrow, as it should be prepared by then.

My own Victory-class carrier ship. Is this really happening?

This is one of those moments that I felt would always be a distant goal to look forward to, but no, it's here. I'm going to have it in my grubby little hands tomorrow! This is going to change everything. And despite all the ups and downs I went through to get it, I couldn't be happier! The future looks real exciting.

And best of all, I don't have to fly a goddamned Type-9 again for the foreseeable future.

Val out.
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