Logbook entry

DeLacy Victor-Alpha-Lima Heavy

21 Jul 2022Valanga
Today is a red letter day for me and for the Seven Keys Alliance.

Approximately nine months after initially establishing ourselves in the fringe system of Almagest, we find ourselves one measly day away from clinching an election against the Sirius Corporation for control of the system. Back when I started this organization, I never imagined we would have a permanent home and colonial population under our tutelage. To imagine owning outright that system which we call home was inconceivable. And yet, here we are! It’s so exciting, I just had to write all about it.

But I wouldn’t have been able to do it without help. I did manage to reconnect with some of my close associates in the company - chiefly Vice President CMDR Angura, who has been invaluable in suppressing the security presence of Sirius Corp. and drawing a lot of attention off of my surreptitious operations in the system. She has far less scruples about maintaining her public image, so while I waved to the crowds with one hand and pocketed classified Sirius Corp. documents with the other, she was off doing the wetwork.

What’s more, one of my closest personal confidants has recently passed his Pilot’s Federation flight exam and been bestowed the title of CMDR. Taking upon the callsign of CMDR Aiso, he’s joined the sea of independent pilots out in the black. I’ve been helping him get his bearings when I can, and since we practically share all the same interests, I was more than ready to offer him a position as an associate researcher with the Seven Keys Alliance - and he was happy to accept it.

I’m excited to move our labs and R&D facilities into Sirius Reach, the Orbis Starport which serves as the closest docking bay to the entry point. Having our workforce split between different planetside facilities in different systems has been a mess to orchestrate and coordinate…

Before I go play around at my soon-to-be home, I have business with the Alioth Independents.

I’ve been referred to one William Turner recently, in regards to some module modifications which nobody I know will even attempt. I’ve been workshopping a new ship, financed of course by my bottomless pit of Credits which I woke up to a month or two ago. I don’t want to talk about what it’s for yet, but I’m really excited about it and I hope it works out the way I’m imagining it!

The problem with this whole plan, though, as does tend to crop up with these sorts of things, is that I can’t even reach him.

His resident system of Alioth is locked behind a permit issued by the Alioth Independents, a local political organization I’ve naturally never heard of until just recently. Seeing that they only issue permits to those in good favor with them, I suppose today’s activities are to be predicated by a need to establish a name for myself in the area and earn that permit. I’d have half a mind to find someone on the black market who can hack in an override for my ship’s navigation computer and allow me to manually dial in jumps, but I can’t think of a faster way to be violently apprehended by the full force of intragalactic law enforcement than that.

I’ve also been told, in no certain terms, that this Bill Turner would make for an interesting corporate associate. I’ve not a clue what to make of that information, but perhaps if I ask the right questions I’ll get the right answers.

Today is looking up. I’m going to grab a cup of coffee and roll out.

CMDR Valanga, signing off.
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