Logbook entry

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

28 Jul 2022Valanga
I made a stop to HIP 22460 today. I’m well aware that doing so was patently dangerous, but I don’t really care about that.

I was bored.

Quite the hotbed of activity it’s become, huh. I was actually fairly safe during my stay in the area, thanks to the ceaseless patrols of AX CMDRs and their escorts. Because I wasn’t causing trouble, neither they nor the Wych Hunters actually saw me as a threat. And because I’m not an idiot, I actually didn’t see a single one of those Thargoids. If I understand correctly, they are highly intelligent and capable of distinguishing threats from bystanders, and since I’ve yet to futz around with their tech (mainly because I never bothered getting my hands on a cargo rack that would protect my ship), I’m pretty sure they don’t give a damn about me.

The truth of the matter is, I’m firmly against the AX initiative being spearheaded by this so-called “Salvation”. I don’t know how more people aren’t, honestly. The truth of the matter is, if you have enough Credits in the bank to outfit a ship properly for anti-xeno operations, then you certainly aren’t hard up for cash. Do these idiots really think they’re doing the right thing by poking the hornet’s nest like this? Who knows how deep the xenological iceberg goes? We as a species have shown our hand by conducting this operation. I have a creeping feeling that our opponent has not.

What’s even more baffling is how this oh-so-reputable character has gotten such unilateral support from the galaxy’s superpowers. But that’s politicians for ya. Dangle something promising in front of those warmongers, and you can probably convince them to sign off on it.

And the CMDRs leading this genocidal war effort under Azimuth’s banner are practically treating this like sport. Like they’re out hunting the even more dangerous game. I’m sure a number of them got bored of shooting up petty criminals, and so they saw this as a golden opportunity. My Comms panel was lit up with CMDRs boasting about how many different classes of Interceptor they had shot down, or how much they had made in xenocidal combat bonds. I don’t think the lot of them have even considered the ramifications of what they’re doing.

I really, truly hope that everyone involved gets what they’re asking for.

And I’ll be here on the sidelines, with a bucket of popcorn, watching as our galaxy burns.

CMDR Valanga. Out.
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