Logbook entry


30 Jul 2022Valanga
(The header, metadata, and an indeterminate length of text from the beginning of the entry all appear to be missing from this log. Any errors seen in the text were present in the original file.)

rns out that it was a thrill unlike any other. I just don’t understand it… perhaps that’s for the best. But I have a pubkic image to maintain, a company to run, a star system to oversee, and a new pilot to teach. Im supposed to be responsible, right? I shouldn’t be doing stuff like this, right?

Or maybe I’m just joining the club?

Who knows. But suffice it to say I’m feeling prety good about things right now. I suppsose I’ll shelf this for the time being, unless things get really dire. I have some operations I plan on running with Aiso tomorrow, and I’d prefer if nothing got in the way of that.

- Valanga
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