Logbook entry

Destined for Krait things

01 Aug 2022Valanga
I woke up today sitting in the rightmost pilot's seat on the bridge of my Krait Mk.II as it lazily orbited a gas giant in the Njokujinun system, cabin lights on, with the robustly pungent yet refreshing aftertaste of Kamitra menthols still lingering on my tongue.

I fell asleep at the helm again, didn't I?

My sleep patterns, and really my personal care as a whole, has been suffering recently as I've been running everlong nights working on this ship - this Krait that I've owned for around 2 years now. I've been networking with new faces in the module engineering underworld, doing favors for people I've never met, and slogging through emissions signals everywhere I go, all so I could push this vessel to the absolute. The real question, then, becomes: was it worth the effort?

Given last night's trial run (or was it this morning? I'm not sure anymore) I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes".

This is becoming my favorite ship to fly, and it's not even close. And the funny thing is, were even a single component not perfected to the degree it is, I don't think the experience would be quite the same. If I hadn't bypassed the thrust multiplier safeties on the booster enclosure, it wouldn't have quite the same liberating "haha I'm flying an oversized Viper III" mobility. If the beam lasers hasn't been modified to vent heat to their target, I surely wouldn't be able to fire off missiles so fast. If I didn't have the megawatts to drive this premium Kill-Warrant scanner that pulls bounty logs in like 2 seconds, I probably couldn't be bothered to switch to the missiles anyway. And if the power distributor wasn't so oversized, I wouldn't be able to boost forever and shoot forever with SYS power to spare.

My buddy just pulled a huge haul of monazite and is probably going to buy a Python today. His first big-boy ship... I'm excited to finally hunt some big game with him, and now I feel like I have the perfect ship for the task.

Health be damned, I think my efforts were worth it. We're all going to die eventually, progenitor cells or not, so we may as well have as much fun out in the black as we can, right?

This is CMDR Valanga, signing off for now.

P.S. I picked up a cute little bobblehead of a Thargoid ship from a gift shop on a station in the Momoirent system! Figured it would be morbidly apropos decor, what with the ongoing drama in HIP 22460. I would sooner die than give up my bone-dry sense of humor.
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