Logbook entry

Krait minds think alike

03 Aug 2022Valanga
Yesterday was exciting - CMDR Aiso finally got his hands on a Python and we finally got to go on a semi-serious bounty hunt together. It really was quite refreshing, even if a little dull for my tastes. Two-bit pirates like these have become all but predictable, but it's been a while since I really ran any sort of team ops like this, so I had a pretty good time!

It also served as another opportunity to test-run this Krait Mk.II of mine, and I must say I am quite happy with how it turned out. It runs colder than it has any right to. I was launching swarms of missiles - which are mounted directly next to the cockpit, mind you - and my canopy was icing over. I can deploy these massive 10-ton Class 6 shield cells without burning a hole in the spot where the fighter hangar used to be. It's just so absurdly fun to fly. My only gripe is the lack of ammunition on the missile packs, but hey, missiles take up a lot of space. So... not too sure what I expected there.

Anyway, it feels like this little team expedition was a harbinger of what was to come today:

I've made contact with an agent from Operation Wych Hunt, the taskforce opposing Salvation in the Pleiades region. Turns out, I didn't quite understand their modus operandi before. I initially thought that they were directly responsible for the counter-strikes in HIP 22460 against AX CMDRs. While there is some overlap between the HIP 22460 saboteurs and the people from OWH, the group's leadership claims no responsibility for it. They're more concerned with ousting Azimuth from the area through more surreptitious and political means.

In other words, it's looking more like the Almagest situation, but much bigger and much more exciting. Why settle for corporate espionage against the Sirius Corporation when I could commit acts of political subterfuge in opposition to the wills of all three galactic superpowers at once!? It sounds exhilarating!

Maybe I should actually listen to my body for once and get some rest. It's gonna be a lot of long days ahead, so I'll want to bring my best.

At least I don't have to dump any more time into working on this stupidbeautiful work of art that is my Krait.

CMDR Valanga, signing off.
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