Logbook entry

Into the Krait beyond

05 Aug 2022Valanga
Y'know, for a so-called galactic archaeologist, I haven't been doing a whole lot of... archaeology-ing lately. I could blame the ongoing drama which has thrown our species' fate into uncertainty, but really it's more that I'm very easily distracted.

So, I'm taking a little journey into the black today. I'll be surveying planets and collecting detailed map data on bodies of interest, but what I'm looking for are planetary bodies with crystalline metallic deposits. I've read that such structures can form under the right environmental conditions, and it so happens that most of the elements which can be found in this unusual form are quite difficult to find in any form within the Bubble. Apparently it's catalyzed by some sort of biological process of certain microorganisms, which may explain why these things have only been reported well outside human space.

I also have word from the rumor mill that there were civilized species millions of years ago - not the Guardians, mind you - who built cities and structures near these rich deposits so they could easily exploit them without bringing harm to the colonies of organisms responsible. Whether or not that's true is anyone's guess, but I guess I'll be keeping my eyes open for anything of the sort.

You never really know what you'll find out there in the black. I think that's what keeps me coming back to it. People are predictable. Commerce is algorithmic. Shooting at others is a good thrill, but all too often it's done in the name of someone above you in the hierarchy, whether knowingly or otherwise.

But you can never predict what the seemingly boundless reaches of the galaxy will have in store for you. So while it's comparatively a rather serene activity in practice, the act of exploration could be said to be the greatest thrill of them all. When you gaze upon that which no living man or woman has ever seen up close, and it gazes back into you, the feeling of that wavelength is sublime.

My Krait Phantom jumpship is prepped and ready for departure. As soon as I finish writing this, I'm performing a systems check and beginning my little trek.

CMDR Valanga, signing off for now.
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