Logbook entry

Expedition Notes: Journey to the Sanguineous Rim (Pt. 2)

06 Aug 2022Valanga
I'm making a trip to the Sanguineous Rim, as I've heard there is an unusually high amount of planetary bodies in the region where concentrated crystalline elemental deposits can be found. This is Part Two, day 2 of the journey. I'm documenting my trip as I go.

5 August 3308

9:11 PM

I'm about ready to depart from HIP 36601, having discovered all things of interest there. I'm going to keep my eye out for more instances of these crystalline shards, but my other objective today is to go where nobody has before.
Where is that?
Who knows! I just gotta get my name on the map over here!

9:21 PM

First jump of the day and I run into a water world in Outotz HN-J D9-1, namely the 6th planet orbiting star A. I'm sure some terraforming company back home is gonna love this map data, I just need to find a buyer who doesn't have it already.

9:41 PM

We found another one, folks. Outotz LS-K D8-3, specifically a selection of planetary bodies orbiting the B star about 300,000Ls from the entry point, is crawling with huge carrier ships, and I'm detecting signs of non-human life in that direction.
Time to kick back and relax while my ship makes the long, long flight over.
At least this time I already have my coffee at the ready.

9:50 PM

Looks like I'm not the only person out here today! In fact, far from it. Not a few minutes after I began my flight from star A to star B, I see my Comms panel light up. Not one, but several other CMDRs making their presence known. Apparently they're actually onboard their Fleet Carriers and making stops here for one reason or another, possibly for resource harvesting purposes.
I made contact with CMDRs Christopher Schuff, LMAO-C, and Primotter as we explored and exploited everything this system had to offer. We shared some idle chatter about money woes, ship designs, and the Thargoid situation. Apparently, Mr. Schuff's carrier, the GSV Weyland-Yutani, has about 16 other CMDRs onboard - newer pilots he's taken under his wing and brought to some of the farther reaches of space that they otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.
It's an admirable undertaking, that's for sure.

10:25 PM

I docked at the GSV Weyland-Yutani for resupply and repair. It's quite the extravagant vessel, flush with station services. I suppose it would help to have a fully-featured mobile starport when you're ferrying around your own personal army of greenhorns, wouldn't it?
I really miss having one of these things. Gone too soon, truly. One of these days, it will be mine again.
I overheard CMDR LMAO-C talking about a planetary body rich in Selenium, located in [REDACTED], so I'm tempted to stop there on my way back to the Bubble, see what that's all about!

11:04 PM

Full load of yttrium from Outotz LS-K D8-3 B 5 A. And some genetic data to go along with it. This process is becoming pretty straightforward to execute, and so far I've not encountered any sort of monkey wrench in the equation.
Whether or not I encounter a monkey's paw is yet to be determined.
...ugh, I'm never going to get used to the magnetic SRV boarding lift. Swear to the gods, I'm gonna get whiplash one of these days.

11:36 PM

Outotz LS-K D8-3 B 5 C was a little ball of snow and ice, speckled with crystals of solid antimony. I overcame many slips and slides on the nearly frictionless ground to harvest my fill, and I'm off to look for anything else of significance in the system.
Maps seem to report one more noteworthy planetary body, orbiting planet B 7.

6 August 3308

12:01 AM

Planet B 7 was a wash. It had crystalline deposits on it, but they were composed of ruthenium, which I already loaded up on back in HIP 36601. I was, however, able to sequence unique genetic data from them, which will help us compare how instances of these microorganisms from the same species compare across systems.
My next destination is... I'm not sure, really. I think I've done enough crystal prospecting for one trip. How about I make a loop through the Elysian Shore? A bit of a nebulae tour, you might say?
Next stop: the NGC 7822 Nebula.

12:28 AM

Holy hell, I see why I'm the first CMDR to ever set foot on this awful little planet. Outotz TP-V C16-0 2, they call it. Rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it.
The gravity here is pretty miserable, about 1.6 times that of Earth's, but the temperature is in excess of a thousand Kelvin. Cool, I'm now the first person to make footfall here. I'm also about to set the world record for getting the hell out of this system.

12:36 AM

Somebody has been here, but none of this has been mapped. I'm about to collect full comprehensive map data on Outotz PK-V C16-2.
On a side note, it's truly astonishing how when you're this far out, if you fly in certain directions, there's just nothing out in front of you. Nothing but pure blackness. A sort of infinite darkness that gazes through you, a spear through your mind longer than you'll ever travel. It's humbling, in a way. And a tad intimidating.

1:44 AM

I think I'm gonna cut this log here. The original mission of my expedition was accomplished, and I've long since detoured off onto my own wanderings. I'll keep note of everything interesting, but I think I'm going to wait till I get back to write it all down.

I want to enjoy this properly.

CMDR Valanga, out.
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