Logbook entry

Log 12-Not Much to Say

04 Feb 2022KazukoHimura
This is probably going to be an extremely short log, since there wasn't too much of note on this leg of the expedition. All I really did was look for some bios and whatnot.

I did, however, bump into one of the many doctors I owe my life to at the base camp meetup-and thanks to him, I made a new friend.

The doctor I bumped into apparently was one of the many people who bought tickets to ride along on the expedition aboard someone’s ship, but apparently he wasn’t aboard any old random explorer-he was aboard a luxurious Beluga, the same Beluga I saw earlier out the window overlooking the docking bays.

I ended up speaking to the Beluga’s owner, and got to tour her ship-it was quite luxurious. I even got a tour, and got to eat some of the food there. The owner, Sylvie, was also an engineer who could give me quality of life improvements for my ships if I brought her some old media. Sounds like a fair trade.

But besides that, nothing else really came up-here’s hoping more excitement occurs on this next leg-er, more interesting matters, I kind of need time to just rest, but not a long stretch of the same old, same old. After all, even the tasks I so enjoy as a Commander can get repetitive after a time.
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