Logbook entry

Log 13-Falling Down

19 Feb 2022KazukoHimura
I’m going to be honest, there’s nothing but bad news in this particular log.

I made the mistake of listening to Galnet when near one of the asteroid stations, and found out about Arissa’s abduction. I had some of the worst intrusive thoughts I’ve ever had in my life, and had a panic attack of a similar magnitude. Times like that are why I’m grateful I bring full staff on my ship during these expeditions-especially Jenelle.

Sadly, reaching the carrier didn’t put any fears at ease, as I started having more frequent night terrors, including an incredibly vivid one that had me wanting to sleep in Kezika’s room-which she was thankfully fine with. And I heavily thank Jenelle for helping me calm down and getting all of that arranged.

Kezika got me evaluated by a psychiatrist, whom is of the opinion that I had a spike in PTSD symptoms due to listening to the newscast, and was given some suggestions to help me sleep, such as the light and sound setups in the carrier rooms, and plushes-which I got two of easily, via a scavenger hunt, and a coupon for a free one from the gift shop. I was also to go for a complete evaluation after the completion of CEA 4.

I know on the next leg we’re heading back to the bubble. I’m going to blow off some steam and destroy those behind the Emperor’s abduction, as well as more of the Raiders. I’ll be doing the Empire some good clearing both out, as well as giving myself some extra peace of mind. And perhaps after that, I’ll head home, add the plush Krait Phantom and Krait MkII to my plush collection-and double check how many more blankets and plushies I need to turn my bed into a soft nest of sorts. And perhaps I’ll play a few more games while in that soft nest, catch up a bit on sleep as well, since I hadn’t slept too well for a good chunk of this leg.

And maybe I’ll tweak the sleep sounds and light effects in my apartment room…
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