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A Healing Respite (Part 1)(Collab with Kezika and Novak (as Edie))

04 Apr 2022KazukoHimura
Kazuko made her way through the main part of Kezika’s mansion in Fire Opal, heading straight for the drawing room that Kezika told her to meet her in. She had already packed her bags with clothing, toiletries, and a single plush for comfort, totalling up the space of a small luggage bag.

“I’m here, Kez,” Kazuko stated upon entering the drawing room. “I believe it’s time I take Doctor Tähine’s advice.”

Kezika noticed the suitcase and replied, “Perfect, my luggage is already in the uh… automobile.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Kazuko asked, confused.

“Sort of like an SRV for constructed roads, antique though in this case, but the Verdure Center is just around the way so figured I’d have the old thing pulled out for a spin, since it’ll just be us two,” came the explanation.

Kezika stood up and made her way to the door, closely followed by Kazuko to the front of the mansion where one of the staff was waiting next to a clearly very antique, but strangely brand new looking vehicle. Strangely the seating area was not enclosed, only a pane of curved glass in front of the seats. It was painted in a metallic apple green paint, and chrome adorned many of the surfaces, and on the side framed a white area with four chrome star shapes within.

Despite sitting perfectly still it constantly made a low rumbling noise as the staff member took Kazuko’s suitcase and opened the door for her to step in.

Kazuko raised an eyebrow, curious yet confused about this ‘antique SRV’, as well as the constant noise it made despite sitting still. Regardless, she stepped inside, taking a seat. It took her a moment to figure out how to belt herself in, but the lithe woman managed.

The staff member then moved around and opened a panel on the rear of the vehicle to deposit the luggage before moving on to open the door on the other side. Kezika slipped into the other seat in front of a wheel shaped contraption, but seemed to know what she was looking at as she dismissed the staff member and immediately moved a lever on the column the wheel came from.

After some mechanical sounds and foot movements by Kezika, the low volume rumbling became a bit louder as they began rolling forward down the mansion’s drive.

Upon hearing the mechanical sounds, and the low volume rumbling getting louder, and seeing Kezika’s foot movements, Kazuko’s eyes widened, and she began looking around.

“What is going on!? Is it supposed to make that noise?”

“Oh yes, this car was made not long after the second World War when they still used gasoline for engine fuel. Saw this come across the auction in the Wylair Heritage Resource Group’s sourcing boards and snatched it up for myself. Back in the 1950s they called this a ‘Star Chief’,” Kezika explained.

“Oh, so that’s just how it works, I see,” Kazuko stated, letting herself enjoy the ride. “Buying your own merch, huh?”

“Well a client that finds these things for us,” specified Kezika.

“I knew that!” Kazuko exclaimed.

After a few more turns through the town and gazes of many a hover car driver they turned up Wylair Verdure Center’s front drive. Kezika steered over around the side of the facility and buzzed in through a gate that opened to let them through.

She opened the rear panel and unloaded Kazuko’s luggage and then moved around to let Kazuko out of the vehicle as well. The two then proceeded into the door which was the rear staff lobby of the facility and made their way through another door into the main lobby of the facility.

A nurse sitting at the intake desk hastily stood up, “Oh Mistress Wylair! I wasn’t expecting you, what can you do for you?”

“Well for my friend here, she is scheduled for a follow-up inpatient monitoring under Doctor Tähine, if you could get her through intake paperwork, the clearance and admission itself has already been prepared by Rodolfo and will be relayed shortly.” Kezika explained to the nurse.

“Of course right away!” exclaimed the nurse before turning to Kazuko, “We’ll take you back into intake and have some paperwork and questions to fill out on the computers, just let me know when you’ve said farewells and we can proceed.”

“Alright,” Kazuko stated, turning to Kezika. “I’ll see you in 3 days, I guess. Or during visiting hours”

“Don’t you worry, it’ll only seem like a few hours at most, you’re strong,” Kezika replied, motioning an offer for a hug.

“I know. I have to be,” Kazuko accepted the offer, hugging Kezika tight. “If I’m not strong, I’ll..”

Kezika momentarily tightened the hug, “They’ll treat you well here, and I’ll be nearby if anything arises as well.”
Kazuko nodded and let go, following the nurse to an office in the intake ward.

* * * * *

It was almost a case of deja vu for Kazuko as she seated herself in the chair in front of the intake desk, except for the fact that she was older and aware of what was going on, and had a small luggage bag containing some personal belongings. Once seated, she was given paperwork to fill out, which she immediately got to work on. It mostly contained things about her medical history and history with CEA facilities, seemingly checking for any updates against her existing records. Due to her having only been at an appointment within the past couple of weeks, there hadn’t been any changes since then. Once said paperwork was completed, she handed it back to the nurse at the desk.

“Alright, I’ll get this entered in, and meanwhile security will make sure to inventory your personals to make sure it is all allowed and what belongs to you in case anything is lost and found.” stated the nurse as she took the paperwork and began reading over it.

“Alright, that shouldn't be an issue.” Kazuko stated, opening her bag. Inside were some basic clothes, enough to last a couple days, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, and a plush bunny.

A security guard stepped over and quickly typed some notes on a datapad and took a picture, “Once we receive confirmation on your room I can escort you to the ward and unpack your stuff.”

“Oh, the room information has already come across, Eridanus 7,” the nurse inserted.

“Lead the way,” Kazuko stated, to which she was led to the Eridanus ward.

* * * * *

After Kazuko went into the intake office, Kezika made her way up from the entrance of the intake ward, through the marble accoutered rear lobby and up to the executive offices. However instead of heading into her own CEO suite she stepped into the office of her Vice President Rodolfo Moss, giving a slight knock on the door’s woodwork as she stepped through.

“Mistress Himura from our earlier discussion is doing intake paperwork, if you can make the ward determinations please,” the CEO said as she sat down at his desk.

“I’ve selected room 7 on the Eridanus ward as it has the appropriate auxiliary sleep telemetry equipment. Here’s the full room details,” Rodolfo said as he slid over a tablet.

Upon a few seconds of reviewing the room details Kezika replied, “Yes, that’s perfect, please inform the Eridanus ward staff I will be working with them as a peer support specialist during her stay.”

“Of course! Oh and don’t forget about Wednesday attire,” the VP stated as he began dialing a number on another tablet.

Kezika stood up, “Time you join in one of these Wednesdays I think,” she said as she headed out of the office, garnering a “perhaps,” in return.

* * * * *

The nursing station phone rang with a pulsating tone indicating a call from the C-Suite. Head Nurse Nettie hastily slid over to the phone to answer it, seeing Rodolfo’s name on the display, “Eridanus Ward!”

“Good afternoon Nettie, calling on two things, first to verify room 7 is free for an incoming patient?” he asked.

“Yes, housekeeping just came through and cleaned and restocked it,” she replied excitedly, nonetheless internally wondering why Rodolfo himself was personally verifying this, “you said there was another matter?”

“Indeed, I believe you’ve met Patron Wylair before at the grand opening,” the VP inquired.

“Oh yes at the head nurse’s dinner she held over at The Coriander Empress that night,” Nettie replied.

“Good so you’re already acquainted; she shall be visiting your ward over the next few days, and will also be acting in the role of a peer support specialist during her time on the ward, she should be down to see you within the next half hour or so,” Rodolfo explained.

“Well, we will be delighted to have her, I shall inform the staff, thank you” she said, after which Rodolfo disconnected the call.

Nettie selected a handful of her staff to pull into a meeting while telling the remaining staff members that she would gather them for a second meeting to keep the floor staffed for the duration of the first meeting. She headed into the staff conference room behind the nursing station with.

After everyone took their seats she began, “Alright, I just got off the phone with our Vice President, and he informed me that the CEO, Patron Kezika Wylair will be visiting our ward for the next few days. During this time she will be acting as a peer support specialist, blue scrubs and all. Has anyone here not met her yet?”

Three of the five staff in the room raised their hands, to which Nettie continued, “For those who haven’t met her, she’s quite grounded and personable, she has no problem with being addressed as simply Kezika. You don’t need to worry about any special protocols or anything, she does these visits from time to time, and when acting in this capacity she reports to the nurses as any other peer support specialist would, she knows this is the least disruptive way of doing things, so don’t let her being CEO put you off guard. Any questions?”

There were no questions by the staff in that meeting, so she dismissed them and gathered the remaining staff to let them know the same thing. She finished her second briefing just in time, as moments after she stepped back to the nursing station she heard someone badge in through the ward’s main door and saw Kezika step through.

Even though Kezika had done visits like this on other wards, she hadn’t done Eridanus Ward before. Nettie having only seen Kezika before in formal wear at a grand opening ceremony and business wear in the admin offices was a bit surprised to see her dressed only in blue scrubs.

Kezika had already spotted Nettie and made her way straight there, “Hey Nettie, I presume Rodolfo already briefed you?”

“Oh yes, and I just finished letting the staff know the drill, we have some of the patients in a music therapy class at the moment, and an incoming patient from intake shortly, but I think you’ve already caught Edie’s eye,” Nettie pointed out, noticing one of the patients approaching Kezika from behind with some artwork.

“Well you’re new! I’m Edie,” the patient said, catching Kezika’s attention.

“I am! I’m Kez, I’m here to do peer support, care to sit over here and show me that art while we wait for another new person?” she replied motioning over towards some of the tables that Edie had been sitting at before with art supplies.

* * * * *

Kazuko was led by the security guard from before through a few hallways, eventually being led to the entranceway to Eridanus Ward. Once through the airlock-esque door, the lithe woman was guided to what would be her room for the next couple of days; Room 7, as stated prior. She was then aided by the security guard in putting what few belongings she had with her away. After that task was completed, Kazuko was free to go, as long as she remained within the ward itself. The lithe woman quietly made her way through the hallway, looking around as to get her bearings, keeping locations in mind for later. After all, if she was going to be here for a couple of days, best not to get lost. In addition, she was searching for other individuals, fellow patients like herself. Kazuko’s search bore fruit once she reached one of the ‘corner’ rooms, not only spotting another like herself, but a familiar face as well.

“Kez?” Kazuko asked, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Ah finally got through the intake process did you?” Kezika asked, “Have a seat and join us.”

“Wasn’t expecting you here,” Kazuko remarked, taking one of the empty seats. “Hello to both of you.”

“I’ll be working on this ward as a Peer Support Specialist while you’re here, perfect way to make sure you have a familiar face while here since I’m licensed to act in this role,” Kezika explained.

Edie looked up after hearing Kezika stop talking to address whomever joined them “You’re new! I’m Edie!”

“I’m Kazuko. And yep, I just arrived,” Kazuko replied, giving a small smile. “And I see, Kez. That also explains your statement earlier.”

“Dinner should be arriving shortly in any case, coloring pages here to enjoy while you wait,” Kezika mentioned sliding a pile towards Kazuko.

* * * * *

Shortly before the therapy class going on in the conference room was completed some food warming carts and a mobile buffet were rolled in and positioned near the dining area. The clock indicated there were still a few minutes left before the music therapy class finished up.

Kazuko looked up from the coloring page she was working on upon smelling something delicious, only to spot the food warming carts AND the mobile buffet. Her stomach growled, prompting a blush upon her cheeks as she checked the nearby clock, frowning upon noticing there were a few minutes before dinner would be served. The lithe woman returned to the coloring page she was working on before, but her focus was clearly not as strong due to hunger.

A karaoke song could be heard coming to an end from the music therapy room. About a minute or so later a few of the other patients walked out along with a nurse that then headed over to the food carts and began distributing out the assigned trays that held the basics of a meal and any special dietary needs on a per patient basis. A few names were called when Kazuko heard her name called out.

Upon hearing her name called out, Kazuko made a beeline for the food carts at a brisk pace, she would have practically sprinted had the distance been longer. Once she received her tray, she immediately raced to the buffet, putting a bit of everything on her plate, as well as grabbing a soda to drink, having not had one in a while. Kazuko soon found her way to a place to sit, opting to remain near Kezika.

“You’re a hungry one aren't you,” Edie remarked as she noticed the mountain of food on Kazuko’s plate.

“Yeah, I guess I am,” Kazuko replied, keeping quiet on the exact reason why she ate so much.

Kezika waited until all the patients had received their trays before swinging by along with some of the nurses to grab from the spare trays. She also grabbed a few things from the buffet before returning to her seat with Kazuko and Edie.

Partway through the meal Doctor Tähine walked into the ward, and made his way over to Kazuko.

“Once you’re done eating we can have our first day meeting in consultation room 4,” the doctor informed Kazuko.

Kazuko looked up from her nearly finished meal upon hearing Doctor Tähine’s voice, nodding in response before returning to her food.

Once she had completely cleaned her plate, and was well sated, Kazuko bid Kezika and Edie farewell for the time being, heading straight for consultation room 4. Once inside, she took a seat in one of the chairs.

“You just arrived today, how has your time so far been?” Tähine inquired.

“It’s been alright so far. Familiar, almost,” Kazuko stated.

“That’s good to hear; on your intake paperwork you mentioned there had been a few night terrors since we last spoke, how would you rate their severity compared to the one that brought you to initially meet with me?” came the follow up from Tähine.

“Oh, those ones are much less severe,” Kazuko replied. “And they’ve returned to close to their usual frequency, too.”

“That’s a good start! Any case the room we assigned you is equipped with a cluster of sleep monitoring equipment that we can review the readouts of tomorrow and go from there,” the doctor explained, “any questions for me for now?”

“Sounds good to me,” Kazuko stated. “And no, no questions.”

“Well in that case, have a good night, I believe there is some recreation therapy planned shortly to partake in, and then sleep tight. All the monitoring stuff is hidden in a ceiling panel and uses laser microphones and other sensors to detect what needs to be detected,” the doctor explained while slowly standing up.

“I see. Thank you for letting me know about that,” Kazuko stated, slowly standing up. “And yes, you too.” With that, Kazuko left the office, making her way to the commons area.

Once inside the commons area, Kazuko looked around for either Kezika or Edie, easily spotting the former setting out board games.

“Guess I made it just in time,” she remarked, stepping closer.

“Yep! Recreation therapy time, variety of board games to play with others,” Kezika explained.

“Sounds like fun!” Kazuko exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “Mind if I help set up?”

“Oh of course, pick whichever game you would like and set it up somewhere and we’ll see who’ll join in!” Kezika replied.

Kazuko nodded, selecting one of the card games from the stack before going to set it up. While doing so, she observed the slow trickle of other patients arriving, having finished her setup by the time the last few came in.

While Kezika moved around to other tables, helping some other patients set up their games, Edie took a seat across from Kazuko.

“What’cha playing, Kaz?” Inquired Edie. A few other patients had also joined the card game as well before Kezika made her way back to the table.

“7 cards each on this if I recall?” inquired Kezika.

“Planets to Planets,” Kazuko stated. “And yes, 7 cards each.”

“Well Kazuko is the newest person here, so she can be the judge first,” Kezika suggested.

“Certainly don’t mind that,” Kazuko stated, smiling slightly.

They played for a while, but soon it was time for snacks to come around, when Edie saw them coming out she turned to Kazuko.
“I'll get snacks for us!” She exclaimed, then stood up and headed towards the snack trolley.

“Oh, that’s nice of you, Edie,” Kazuko remarked. “Thanks!”

Edie returns with a armful of snacks, having to use the bottom of her top as a basket so she could carry them all.

“Here you go!” She exclaims as she plops them all on the table in front of Kazuko, before grabbing one for herself.

“Thank you very much, Edie,” Kazuko stated, smiling before opening one of the packaged snack foods. “Quite a lot, though, hopefully there’s still some left for the others.”

“There’s still a lot on the trolley, I thought you liked to eat a lot,” Edie explained nervously. “I can take some back if you want?” she was trying not to show that she is somewhat upset at the thought that maybe she took things a bit too far again.

“You’re good, any extra can be shared,” Kezika replied.

“Oh, there’s still a lot then? That’s good,” Kazuko stated, noticing that Edie seemed a bit nervous. “Again, thank you for bringing this to me. It’s definitely enough, possibly a little more. But if it is the latter, that just means I have more for later, which is also helpful. And, like Kezika said, can share them too.”

“Ok cool, I’m glad,” Edie responded, forcing a smile. She was still a bit uncomfortable, and not wanting to be alone. Edie munches down on her snack to try to cheer herself up.

The group continued playing the game and snacking until Kezika’s watch beeped.

“Ah, looks like it’s about time for quiet time to start, so shall we clean up then and get ready for bed?” Kezika asked.

“Alright, need any help with that?” Kazuko asked.

“Should be fine, I’ll clean up here and head up to my quarters to sleep myself, and see you all tomorrow,” Kezika said addressing the group, but giving a nod to Kazuko as well.

“Ohh, already?” Edie remarked sullenly.

“Apparently, I was starting to grow a bit tired to be honest,” Kazuko remarked. “Night everyone!” With that, Kazuko headed back to her room.

Once inside her room, Kazuko made sure any windows were closed, as well as the door, before finding her luggage bag. Once it was found, she removed the clothes she was currently wearing, placing them inside-intending to use it as an impromptu laundry bin. She then retrieved her pajamas and additional undergarments from the dresser before ducking into the bathroom. Kazuko then shut the door, and turned the water on in the bathtub, slipping into it for a relaxing hot bath.

When the water became too cold for her liking, Kazuko drained the tub and stepped out to dry off. A towel (fresh from the dryer) awaited her, which she used to dry herself off before dressing into her pajamas. The lithe woman then stepped out of the bathroom and climbed into bed, setting any sleep aids that might be present to her liking before drifting off to sleep.

* * * * *

The airlock of the abandoned base was forced open courtesy of an overcharge, and seven suited figures rushed in. One of the figures shot a net out at Kazuko. Unable to move due to the severe pain in her turret-grazed side, the injured woman was easily captured. The ‘net’ containing her was dragged by one of the figures, able to continue to the ship from whence they came, despite Kazuko’s desperate struggles to escape. Her suit thankfully kept together despite being dragged across the base floor, then the surface of the planet, and the ship’s halls. Finally, the figure came to a stop when they reached the prison hold, to which she was thrown inside before the doors shut, leaving her in darkness.

* * * * *

Kazuko awoke with a shout, having kicked the sheets and blankets clear off her bed. She frantically looked around, bleary eyed and in a cold sweat, taking short, panicked breaths. Tears began to pour from her eyes as she choked back a sob, terrified to close her eyes again.

A soft knock came at the slightly ajar door as a nurse's head peeked in and looked over towards Kazuko's bed. Soft night lighting illuminates it just enough for Kazuko to be able to see her face.

"Nightmare dear?" the nurse asked with a soothing motherly tone.

Kazuko frantically nodded upon noticing the nurse peeking into her room, and hearing what she had said.

The nurse gradually brought the lights up a little, still quite dim, but a little brighter nonetheless, just enough to help see the room a good deal better.

"Care for a walk and warm drink dear? Clear the mind?" the nurse offered.

“Yes, please,” Kazuko whimpered. “And a small snack too, if that’s okay?” Her voice was still quite small. She then got up from her bed, still clutching her stuffed rabbit, and followed the nurse out the door.

The nurse walked with Kazuko and fetched her some warm tea and some cookies to snack on while taking a walk through various parts of the hospital before eventually returning to bed.


(Partial editing of night terror scene and parts before and after done by Jubei Himura. Reposted with extra point of view line on Kezika's account here.)
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