Logbook entry

Log 15-A Break and a Confession

24 May 2022KazukoHimura
First things first, my evaluation went well. All of my symptoms were attributed to that newscast for the most part. I was advised to take some time off my Commander duties for the sake of my mental health, though, and so I did. Spent time catching up on my vast library of games-both World War Interim and modern-during that time, and found a character I could relate to. Not going into too much detail on that one, other than the fact that I wept for about an hour over their backstory-the similarities to my past are too on the nose.

And yes, before anyone asks, I did let my ‘team’ of psychiatric professionals know.

I also have a bit of a confession to make. In a previous log, I mentioned owning one of every ship, plus an extra Fer-De-Lance, making 38 ships total. To tell you the truth, ‘owning’ is a bit of a stretch. First off, there isn’t an extra Fer-De-Lance. I just gave Phoenix a different loadout that I can swap to, which includes a paint job. And second off….a good chunk of those ships I’m just borrowing. I only own about 5 or so. But you know what? That’s okay. I guess I felt a need to brag because owning something is important to me.

I’ve also been talking with other people again. It’s enjoyable, for the most part. Also allows me to keep in contact with Jubei, since our paths cross so infrequently.
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